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Morocco has the seventh strongest army in Arab World, military strength index finds
Publié dans Yabiladi le 10 - 01 - 2024

Morocco has ranked the same as last year in the Global Firepower Military Strength Index which compares the military might of 145 states. The Kingdom ranked 61st in the world, but remains far behind Algeria, currently ranked 26th.
Morocco has ranked 61st of 145 out of the countries considered for the annual Global Firepower Military Strength index for the year 2024. The Kingdom holds a score of 1.0081. The closer the score is to zero, the stronger the country's army is considered.
Morocco has kept the same ranking as the previous edition of the index, which assesses the military might of 145 countries. Indeed, the 2023 edition of the Global Firepower Military Strength Index ranked Morocco 61st, with a score of 1.0524.
For the Kingdom, the report indicates that the country's defense budget now stands at around USD 12 billion while the number of total military personnel is currently 395,800. As for the reservists, they total nearly 150,000 elements, while 15,123,507 people would be considered fit for military service.
The report identifies in particular the 255 military aircrafts in Morocco, including 83 combat aircrafts and 70 helicopters, for the air force. It also mentions the 1,564 combat tanks, the 13,710 armored combat vehicles and the 565 self-propelled artillery units for the army, as well as the 121 ships, including six frigates for the navy.
Second in the Maghreb behind Algeria
Compared to other countries, Morocco comes in second place in the Maghreb, behind Algeria. Ranked this year at the 26th place, the Eastern neighbor improved its ranking compared to last year (27th globally), with 0.3589 points. For its part, Tunisia ranks third in the Maghreb and 74th globally, followed by Libya (79th in the world) and Mauritania (131th in the world).
Morocco is also seventh in Africa, behind Egypt (15th), Algeria (26th), South Africa (33rd), Nigeria (39th) Ethiopia (49th) and Angola (55th).
In the Arab World, Morocco ranks seventh behind Egypt (15th), Saudi Arabia (23rd), Algeria (26th), Iraq (45th), the United Arab Emirates (51st), and Syria (60th).
The annual report was topped by the United States of America which comes first, ahead of Russia 2nd, China 3rd, India 4th and South Korea 5th. Benin, Somalia, Suriname, Moldova and Bhutan occupy the last spots in the ranking.
Based on 50 individual factors to determine a given nation's Power Index score with categories ranging from military might and financials to logistical capability and geography. The score does not depend on the total number of weapons in the country, but rather on their diversity.
Logistics flexibility, natural resources and local industry, mission success, strength and efficiency, military strength, manufacturing techniques for combat aircraft, tanks, naval parts and other equipment, as well as financial and human resources are all indicators used to classify the 145 countries of the ranking.
Article modifié le 11/01/2024 à 14h05

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