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Mauritania is a pillar of stability in the Sahel Region, Moroccan Foreign Minister declares
Publié dans Yabiladi le 23 - 01 - 2024

Morocco continues to emphasize Mauritania's essential role in the royal initiative aimed at giving Sahel countries access to the Atlantic Ocean, as Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita publicly reiterated Monday in Rabat during a meeting with his Mauritanian counterpart.
On Monday, January 22nd, a special meeting took place in Rabat between the Mauritanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mohamed Salem Ould Merzoug, and his Moroccan counterpart, Nasser Bourita. The visit, undertaken at the behest of Mauritanian President Mohamed Cheikh Ould El Ghazouani, underscored the deep and multifaceted relationship between the two countries.
Bourita warmly welcomed Ould Merzoug, emphasizing the exceptional nature of Moroccan-Mauritanian relations. He cited the historical links, geographical proximity, and spiritual bonds shared by the two peoples, noting their special significance for King Mohammed VI.
Recalling a November 2020 phone call between the two heads of state, Bourita highlighted King Mohammed VI's expressed readiness to visit Mauritania and extend the same invitation to President Ould El Ghazouani. This willingness to strengthen ties at the highest level further underscores the importance of the bilateral relationship.
Mauritania: A pillar of stability in the Sahel
During the press briefing, Bourita commended President Ould El Ghazouani's leadership, praising his actions in making Mauritania a pillar of stability in the Sahel region and West Africa. «Mauritania is an essential element in any equation seeking stability in the region», Bourita emphasized.
The discussions also touched upon King Mohammed VI's November 2023 initiative to grant Sahel countries access to the Atlantic Ocean. Bourita reiterated Mauritania's vital role in this initiative, stating, «Mauritania has its place, its role, and it is an essential actor in this initiative, in accordance with the vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI».
Notably, Mauritania's absence from the December 23rd ministerial meeting in Marrakech between Morocco and other Sahel countries (Mali, Chad, Niger, and Burkina Faso) raised some questions. However, the country has a long history of active participation in regional initiatives. In 2010, Mauritania participated in the creation of the Tamanrasset Coordination in Algeria, and in 2014, it became a founding member of the G5 Sahel, launched by France.
Prior to his visit to Rabat, Ould Merzoug also met with the Algerian and Tunisian presidents, Abdelmadjid Tebboune and Kaïs Saïed, respectively. This diplomatic tour suggests a broader regional engagement strategy by Mauritania, aimed at fostering cooperation and stability across North Africa.
The meeting between Ould Merzoug and Bourita marks a significant step in strengthening the already strong ties between Mauritania and Morocco. Both countries recognize their shared interests and responsibilities in promoting regional stability and prosperity, particularly in the face of ongoing challenges in the Sahel. The focus on the Atlantic access initiative and past engagement in regional efforts further highlights their commitment to working together for a brighter future for the entire region.

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