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Diaspo #326 : Bochra Benjelloun brings skills, experience and sweets business back to Morocco
Publié dans Yabiladi le 17 - 02 - 2024

After a decade honing her skills in France, Moroccan-born Bochra Benjelloun has chosen to return home. Leveraging her acquired experience and expertise, she plans to launch a new project in Casablanca and Marrakesh.
Born in April 1970 to Moroccan immigrants in the French city of Cambrai, Bochra Benjelloun was raised and educated there, earning her baccalaureate degree. She also trained in tailoring, entering the workforce at a young age.
However, at 21, Bochra got married and soon after, at 23, took a career turn. Leaving the sewing world behind, she pursued a passion held since childhood: creating sweets.
Speaking to Yabladi, Bochra Benjelloun shared her path to entrepreneurship. «Driven by my passion for sweets and spurred by challenging family circumstances», she said, «I decided to learn everything by myself and passed the necessary exam to start my own business».
While enjoying traditional Moroccan cuisine, she found purpose and comfort in her new venture. «This profession brings me great satisfaction», she stated.
Following her success, Bochra Benjelloun opened a restaurant in Cambrai and expanded into event catering. Her talent caught the attention of Radio France Bleu, granting her a cooking show between 2021 and 2022.
Balancing teaching workshops with managing her successful company, «COOK SUN CAKES», established in 2017, Benjelloun has built a flourishing career, driven by passion and hard work.
Back to Morocco
Driven by experience and a decade of success in France, Bochra Benjelloun sets her sights on Morocco. «After a year of planning, I'm here to finalize a project in Casablanca and Marrakesh», she reveals. The venture, encompassing events, tourism, and beautification, reflects a new chapter in her journey.
«Things are progressing well», Benjelloun affirms, crediting supportive locals. Just as necessity sparked her entrepreneurial spirit, a different force motivates her return: «Things in France have changed», she confides. «I never imagined leaving, but...»
Benjelloun cites growing challenges for minorities: «The fourth generation will face similar struggles. We constantly feel the need to overachieve for integration. This isn't universal, but some view us as outsiders».
Following her father's return and her sister's homecoming, Benjelloun feels the pull of her roots. «My children are independent, and France is no longer my sole focus», she admits. «I plan to split my time between both countries, with Morocco eventually becoming my primary residence».
Bochra is exploring additional project launches in Rabat, Fez, and Tangier, revealing that many Moroccan female entrepreneurs abroad express interest in collaborating to share knowledge and expand their reach.
Named «AMIRA EVENT AGENCY», Bochra's Moroccan venture officially starts operations in early May.

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