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Diaspo #330 : Adil Belhouari, a Moroccan global leader in AI, data science, and business intelligence
Publié dans Yabiladi le 17 - 03 - 2024

Living in Saudi Arabia, Adil Belhouari has garnered recognition as a world leader in artificial intelligence, data science, and business intelligence, with prestigious awards from around the globe.
A leading expert in artificial intelligence, data science, and advanced analytics, Adil Belhouari lives and works in Riyadh. The Moroccan-born expert (born in Rabat, 1974) has built an exceptionally successful career driven by his passion, talent, and unwavering dedication to excellence.
A veteran of prestigious organizations across three continents, Adil Belhouari currently serves as Senior Vice President and General Manager of the Department for Artificial Intelligence, Science and Advanced Data Analytics at Riyad Bank, one of the largest banking institutions in the Middle East.
As far as he can remember, Adil Belhouari demonstrated a natural aptitude for learning, consistently excelling in his academic pursuits. After graduating with a scientific baccalaureate in 1992, he obtained an engineering diploma in statistics and applied economics from the Institut national de statistique et d'économie appliquée (INSEA) in Rabat in 1996.
A successful journey
The young graduate soon joined the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) from 1997 to 2000. He played a leading role in social, economic and development studies, overseeing projects in North African countries and southern Europe. «I have supervised programs in developing countries, including the rural electricity supply project, the financing of livelihood projects for poor families, and the reform of the Moroccan administration», he recalled in an interview.
At the same time, Adil Belhouari continued his postgraduate studies. In 1998, he obtained a degree in finance and accounting from the Institut Supérieur de Commerce et d'Administration des Entreprises (ISCAE). Two years later, he took off for Canada, where he graduated in 2004 with a Master's degree in Business Intelligence and Data Science from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC) in Montreal. He then pursued his doctoral project at the same institution.
In Canada, where he lived until 2009, Adil Belhouari was awarded the first prize for academic excellence in the Quebec region. He shared his expertise by teaching statistics, mathematics, probability and operations research at HEC and Université de Montréal.
The specialist also honed his practical skills by working as a consultant at a leading firm in the fields of artificial intelligence, business solutions and data analysis. He then transitioned to a role as Director of Data Analysis and Professional Practices for the American company SAS Institut Inc, one of the world's most renowned companies in technology and digital transformation.
«At SAS Institut Inc's annual meeting, they discovered my fluency in Arabic, in addition to English and French», Adil Belhouari recalls. «This led to an opportunity to develop the work of their regional office in Dubai. I then moved to Riyadh in 2008, to embark on a new chapter in my professional career».
International recognition in the East and the West
Through his work as an expert and consultant, Belhouari constantly travels between the Gulf countries, working with major companies like Riyad Bank. «After a year consulting on one of the bank's biggest strategic projects, they invited me to join them and share my expertise in developing data analysis and artificial intelligence segments», he confides.
Since 2009, Belhouari has held the position of Senior Vice President and General Manager of Riyad Bank's Center for Artificial Intelligence, Science and Advanced Data Analytics in Saudi Arabia. «The experience with Riyad Bank has been very positive and full of milestones», he adds.
He is now a world-renowned figure in data analysis and artificial intelligence, a reference point beyond the banking sector. Belhouari has received numerous awards, including the Best Leader Award in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (presented in 2022 by the Artificial Intelligence and Banking Analytics Summit and Awards in the Middle East).
In the same year, he was also recognized by the Academy of the Central Bank of Saudi Arabia with the prize for the best contribution to academic and professional development in financial intelligence for banking specialists. He additionally won a prize for the best application for ultra-personalization and customer needs analysis in the Middle Eastern banking world.
Belhouari's outstanding contributions were further acknowledged with the «Personality of the Year» award, recognizing his commitment and experience in the banking industry. He was also nominated for the «Top 10 Smart Leaders in Banking Data Science and Analytics for the Year 2024» awards by the American magazine CIOLOOK.
Currently, he serves on the Executive Council of Business Intelligence Experts (BICE) at the University of Michigan (USA), is a member of the Society of Statisticians of Canada, an executive member of the INSEA Statisticians Network, and an active member of the HEC Montreal alumni network. Belhouari is also the author of numerous international publications and a sought-after lecturer and communications specialist.
Throughout his successful career, Adil Belhouari has never forgotten Morocco. «My love for the country is deep-rooted. It's our duty to be the best ambassadors and representatives of our motherland. I was, I am, and I will always be ready to answer the country's call and contribute to our national development», he declared.

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