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Spanish shipowners in a «complicated» situation as Rabat and Brussels negotiate a new treaty
Publié dans Yabiladi le 16 - 07 - 2018

Officials in Madrid say Spanish shipowners are in a «complicated situation» as Morocco and the European Union are negotiating a new fisheries treaty. According to them even a new treaty will cause more delay.
The Spanish fishing sector is in a «complicated» situation as the 2014 fisheries agreement concluded between Morocco and the European Union expired Saturday, said Spanish Agriculture and Fisheries senior officials.
Speaking Monday to journalists before attending an EU meeting in Brussels on the fisheries treaty, Spanish Agriculture and Fisheries Minister, Luis Planas, stated that negotiations are «underway to finalize a new agreement with Rabat», reports EFE.
Although Planas said he was positive about «the current negotiations», he couldn't hide the fact that the Spanish fishing fleet, that used to operate under the 2014 protocol, is in an extraordinarily sensitive moment.
For the record, the 2014 fisheries agreement signed on July the 14th between Morocco and the European Union has expired Saturday, forcing EU vessels to leave the Kingdom's territorial waters. The two parties which have been holding negotiations to renew the treaty since April, couldn't reach an agreement before the its termination.
More delay
Planas declared that the Pedro Sanchez' government is «granting shipowners and fleets affected by the expiry of the Morocco-EU agreement financial aids», stressing that 49 fishing boats had to return home as the two parties couldn't reach a settlement on time.
However, the Minister pointed out that Spanish fishermen will be affected by the delay. He told the same source that «when an agreement is reached, it will have to be approved by the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament, which will mean that its implementation will be delayed, at least for a few weeks».
An intricate situation
On the other hand, Spanish Councilor for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development, Rodrigo Sánchez Haro, told reports Monday that the Spanish shipowners are currently in an «intricate situation», waiting for the establishment of a new treaty with Morocco.
The senior official hopes that the current talks will lead to a satisfactory solution, reports Europa Press.
Reacting to the situation, Spanish trade unionists warned against the current blockage. Speaking to EFE on Saturday, head of the Andalusian Federation of Fishing Associations (FAAPE) Manuel Fernandez argued that failing to reach an agreement will «put pressure on the Gulf of Cadiz, because the Spanish boats, and after leaving the Moroccan waters, will be forced to operate there».
«The vessels operating in the Kingdom used to have dual licenses that enabled them to fish in the waters of the Gulf of Cadiz and the waters of another country», he added.
The 1995 fisheries agreement
It is not the first time that Spanish officials found themselves in a similar situation when it comes to the renewal of a fisheries agreement with the Kingdom.
In 1999 and after the 1995 fisheries agreement expired, the Moroccan government refused to renew it following the decision of Prime Minister Abderahman El Youssoufi. On the 4th of November 1999, 430 EU trawlers were prohibited from operating in the Moroccan territorial waters.
«All vessels operating under this fisheries agreement will have to leave the Kingdom's territorial waters Wednesday before midnight», wrote the Foreign Ministry in a communiqué issued at the time.
El Youssoufi announced later in a conference that the next fisheries agreement must take into consideration ways to boost, develop and promote the Moroccan fisheries sector. For more than 7 years there was no fisheries agreement with Morocco and the European Union.

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