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Saudi Arabia, France to celebrate Eid al Fitr Sunday, Morocco to start moonsighting
Publié dans Yabiladi le 22 - 05 - 2020

France, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand and Australia have announced that they will be celebrating Eid al Fitr on Sunday, May 24, 2020, which marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan. Morocco will still have to observe a moonsight before announcing the end of Ramadan.
The French Council of the Muslim Faith (CFCM) announced, Friday, that Muslims in France will be celebrating Eid al Fitr on Sunday. In a videoconference held today the Council's president Mohamed Moussaoui announced the that the last day of Ramadan 2020 is Saturday, adding that Eid prayers will not be performed in mosques this year due to the pandemic.
Saudi Arabia announced on Friday evening that the new moon for Shawwal was not sighted. Thus, according to the Saudi Arabia Council, Eid al Fitr will be celebrated Sunday in Saudi Arabia.
#عاجل #الديوان_الملكي: #المحكمة_العليا: يوم غدٍ السبت هو المكمّل لشهر #رمضان المبارك ثلاثين يومًا، والأحد هو #عيد_الفطر المبارك لهذا العام 1441ه.#واس pic.twitter.com/X2bwBd06hL
— واس الأخبار الملكية (@spagov) May 22, 2020
Qatar also announced that the new moon for the month of Shawwal was not sighted. Thus, Eid al Fitr will be celebrated on Sunday, May 24. The United Arab Emirates and Jordan will also be celebrating Eid al Fitr on Sunday.
"الأحد" أول أيام #عيد_الفطر_السعيد في #الإمارات pic.twitter.com/9eBjM94UFn
— وكالة أنباء الإمارات (@wamnews) May 22, 2020
Indonesia announced Friday that it is celebrating Eid al Fitr on Sunday, May 24, 2020. According to CNN Indonesia, the announcement comes after authorities could not observe the new moon.
The Republic of Singapore has also announced that Sunday would be the first day of Shawwal. In a press release, the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore announced that new moon was not observed on Friday. «This means that tomorrow will be the 30th day of the month of Ramadan», it explained.
Malaysia, Thailand and Turkey
Muslims in Malaysia will also celebrate Eid al Fitr on Sunday. The announcement, made by head of the royal house Tan Sri Syed Danial Syed Ahmad, was broadcast live on Friday by all local TV stations, reports Malaysian newspaper The Star.
Thailand also announced that after not observing the lunar crescent this Friday, Saturday will be the 30th day of the month of Ramadan. Aid Al Fitr will be celebrated in this Asian country on Sunday.
عاجل #تايلاند_اليوم ??
- شيخ الاسلام في #تايلاند ??
تم الاعلان رسميا من مكتب شيخ الاسلام ( المفتي ) في تايلاند عدم رويه الهلال وعليه يكون غدا السبت المكمل لشهر #رمضان وعيد الفطر يوم الاحد باذن الله نسأل الله لنا ولكم القبول??❤️??#هلال_شوال #رمضان_كريم pic.twitter.com/VnwuwctZgi
تايلاند اليومไทย?? (@ThailandiToday) May 22, 2020
This is also the case for Turkey, which announced that it is celebrating Eid al Fitr on Sunday. Alongside several states such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Croatia and Russia, Turkey relies on astronomical calculations.
Eid al Fitr will also be celebrated Sunday in Japan and Australia. Ruyat-e-Hilal Committee-Japan announced that Sunday would be the 1st day of Shawwal.
For its part, the Australian National Imams Council (ANIC) announced on Tuesday that after consulting members of the Australian Fatwa Council it has been confirmed the new moon of the month of Shawwal will set before sunset on Friday based on astronomical calculation. The Council concluded that Eid al Fitr is going to be Sunday, May 24.
However, Moonsighting Australia has indicated that Saturday will be the day of moonsighting in Australia.
Eid Al-Fitr Statement for the Year 1441AH - 2020 pic.twitter.com/nk3rgGVZ6S
— Australian National Imams Council (@ImamsCouncil) May 19, 2020
The Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand (FIANZ) reminded worshipers to observe the new moon on Saturday, May 23, 2020.
The same goes for Pakistan. On April 30, the Pakistan Meteorological Department indicated that «according to astronomical parameters, there is slight chance of sighting the new moon of Shawwal on the evening of May 23, 2020».
As for Morocco, the Ministry of Habous and Islamic Affairs announced that the moon of Shawal will be sighted on Saturday evening.

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