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Locals help affected residents of the Grenfell Tower mostly resided by Moroccans
Publié dans Yabiladi le 14 - 06 - 2017

Locals rushed to help the Grenfell Tower's affected residents who lost their homes in a terrible incident. Last night a fire broke out in a 24-story building which is believed to be mostly resided by Moroccans. Details.
Several community centers and churches were showered today with the numerous donations offered by locals. According to the Telegraph, many people showed up today carrying food, clothes and toiletries to the residents of Grenfell Tower.
Survivors fled their homes late at night when the fire broke off wearing only their pajamas and night clothing. Surprisingly, «some of the places people are sheltering, including churches and other religious buildings, have had to turn away people because there are so many volunteers», says the same source.
Many locals were mobilized to help the inhabitants of the 24-story apartment building that was burned out yesterday night. On social media, Internet users urged each others to donate.
Latymer Christian Centre told the Guardian, as the Telegraph indicates, that «they are now turning people away, asking instead for cash donations» as they have been overwhelmed with food, clothes and water supplies.
A building mostly resided by Moroccans
Contacted by Yabiladi, Adnane Hamidan, a journalist in London stated that «locals were extremely kind, donating food water and even toys for little kids». He added that «people were emotionally engaged to help the Grenfell Tower residents».
Hamidan who managed to meet eyewitnesses confirmed that Muslims residents «who were awake for Sohour meal helped by calling emergency forces».
For the moment, the nationalities of people killed in the tower are still unknown, however, Hamidan stated that the building is mostly resided by Moroccans «80% of the tower's inhabitants are Moroccan».

Adnane Hamdan told Yabiladi that the building is located in an area that is full of Moroccans. He even indicated that he met families from Larache, and Casablanca «who were worried about their families and siblings».
Earlier this morning, the Consulate General of the Kingdom of Morocco told Yabiladi that the number of Moroccans who might have been killed in the fire is not known for the moment stating that the Consul General is at the scene near Grenfell Tower.
The same source also confirmed that the area where the fire occurred is highly resided by Moroccans. «There is a very high population of Moroccans, and for some reason we all live site close to each other. Literally everyone knows each other», Rashida, a local resident, told Sky News, as reported by Express.
For the record, a huge fire broke out at a London's apartment building last night, the BBC reports. 6 people were killed and more than 70 others are currently in the hospital. According to the same source 200 firefighters and 40 engines were placed at Grenfell Tower near North Kensington in West London to ease the blaze.

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