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Moulay Abdellah, an Alaouite sultan dethroned five times by his brothers
Publié dans Yabiladi le 10 - 11 - 2017

After the death of Moulay Ismail, known as the warrior king, his numerous sons fought for power for decades. During the eighteenth century, Moulay Abdellah opposed his brothers to be proclaimed Sultan. He ascended throne several times in a very interesting yet mysterious account.
Few people know about the untold story of Moulay Ismail's sons. The Alaouite Sultan (1634– 22 March 1727) known for his ferocity, had 8 spouses, 525 sons and 342 daughters. His sons, namely Abdallah and Abdelmalik took part of a curious account that was lost in old history books.
On the 10th of November 1757, Moulay Abdellah known fully as Sultan Abu Abbas Mulay Abdullah bin Ismail as-Samin passed away, leaving behind a very interesting yet controversial story. Son of a concubine, Moulay Abdallah was ascended the throne 6 times fighting with his brothers. Born in 1694, the Warrior King' son was proclaimed Morocco's sultan for the first time on the 5th of March 1729 but was deposed several times during the following years : 1736, 1740-1741, 1743-1747, 1748-1757.
Chaos after the death of Moulay Ismail
It all started for Moulay Abdellah, when his father Sultan Ismail who ruled Morocco from 1672 to1727 died. Based on the account provided by «The History of the Revolutions in the Empire of Morocco ; upon the Death of Muley Ishmail» (1729, J. Darby and T. Browne) written by John Braithwaite, an author who was in the Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent expeditions and crossed Morocco, «the great emperor Muley Ismael, during his illness, foreseeing his death, gave orders to his chief Eunuch to conceal it for some time, for fear of insurrections in the city».
Moulay Ismail./Ph. DR
The English author insists that Moulay Ismail's illness was kept a secret for two months and order was maintained in the Kingdom with «presents received from the AlCaides as usual». However, people demanded to see their concealed emperor who has eventually died surrendering to his sickness.
The enemy brothers
«Before it was publicly known the Emperor was dead, a Quarrel arose between the servants of Muley Abdalla, and Muley Hamet Dahebby's : but the latter having more dependents, got the better ; and Muley Abdella one of the King's sons by a comcubine and one of great interest, was obliged to flee from Mequinez with about 200 horses, and took sanctuary at Muley Idriss».
Opposed by his brother Ahmed ben Ismail who directly took throne after the death of his father in 1727, Moulay Abdellah was determined to take control of the Alaouite dynasty. According to the same book, the young prince, «made his escape out of his brother's reach : he certainly intended to have attempted the Crown, but did not have a party strong enough».
Moulay Abdellah ben Ismail./Ph. DR
After being proclaimed emperor of Morocco, Moulay Ahmed was quickly refused by the people and insurrection emerged in the Kingdom. The people of Fez killed their governor and refused to pay taxes which gave Moulay Abdelmalek, son of Sultan Ismail, the chance to be his brother's successor.
Braithwaite wrote that «Muley Abdelmeleck wrote to the people of Fez, to encourage them ; and they broke their conditions with the king (Moulay Ahmed) and declared for him».
Dethroned and deposed several times
According to other sources, Moulay Ahmed would be named Sultan again in 1728 after his half brother failed to keep him away. With the help of his fiercely loyal bukhari (the imperial black bodyguards), Moulay Ahmed dethroned Moulay Albdelmalik after serving as the kingdom's emperor for four years and five days. Little is known about the death of Moulay Ahmed who passed away in 1729.
Right after the death of his brother, Moulay Abdellah was named Sultan of Morocco. From 1729 to 1734, he ruled the kingdom and was succeeded by Moulay Ali, believed to be the full brother of Moulay Abdelmalik, as mentioned by «the History of the Revolutions in the Empire of Morocco».
Moulay Abdelmalik ben Ismail./Ph. DR
The situation in the country as reported by the English author, and the civil war that emerged after the death of Moulay Ismail participated in creating tension between his numerous sons. Once proclaimed emperor of Morocco, Moulay Abdellah was dethroned by his brothers five times.
He ruled the kingdom for the second time from the 14th of February 1736 until the 23rd of May of the same year, and earned back the crown in 1740 for one year. He was ascended later by Moulay Zin al Abidin.
In 1743 Moulay Abdellah was proclaimed Sultan again and reined for four years. One year later he managed to dethrone his brother known as Almostad and ruled until his death in 1757.
A shattered Kingdom
According to historical accounts, Moulay Abdellah passed away in Dar Edbagh, a palace he built in 1729. Unfortunately few are the sources that shed light on how this Alaouite emperor was so attached to the crown.
However, according to volume 5 of «Africa from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century» (University of California Press, 1999, a book issued by The UNESCO General History of Africa, it is mentioned that «after Moulay Ismail's death his many sons, who already during his lifetime had fought for power in the region, rose up to win supreme power».

According to the book «for decades none of the claimants was successful in maintaining a strong and lasting government», insisting that «the first of them is Moulay Abdellah who was dethroned and deposed several times». The authors of the book however, point out that by the beginning of the 19th century only Mohamed III was able to take control of the country and restore order.

Despite everything, Moulay Abdellah remains one of the most insistent Alaouite Sultans, who was determined to rule the kingdom until the last day of his life.

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