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FIFA sources believe that Morocco's 2026 World Cup bid is in a position of strength
Publié dans Yabiladi le 28 - 02 - 2018

Morocco's bid to host the 2026 World Cup puts the North American one in jeopardy according to ESPN. Sources from FIFA believe that the Kingdom is in a position of strength.
Regardless of the disparity between Morocco's bid to host the 2026 World Cup and the North American one in terms of resources and infrastructure, the US-based sports television ESPN believes that the Kingdom might easily win this race.
Speaking to executive sources within FIFA and confederations, the cable company stated in an article issued on its online portal and entitled «United States-led 2026 World Cup bid in jeopardy to Morocco's» that the North African Kingdom might receive the majority of votes and beat the USA, Mexico and Canada's joint bid.
«One official who is in regular contact with all of the continental confederations estimated that Morocco has the support of much of Asia and South America, as well as its home continent of Africa, which would put it over the 104 votes needed», wrote ESPN.
Meanwhile, the North American bid is in jeopardy as it could be affected by political factors. Sources told ESPN that actions taken by Donald Trump's administration «include a travel ban affecting mostly Arab countries, public comments that perpetuate stereotypes and reported use of profanity in describing poorer countries».
Confederations votes
According to the American channel there is another point that can affect the vote expected in three months. Each federation will vote and that will be made public which will «make bloc votes». To put it in other words, all of Africa will vote for Morocco as they won't have the privilege of a hidden ballot.
Furthermore, ESPN explained that «every vote will have to be defended going forward, both to a country's continental confederation members as well as to other officials within that nation's leadership».
Morocco's bid has been recently backed by disgraced former FIFA president Sepp Blatter, an endorsement that is not necessarily in favor of the country's ambition to host the 2026 World Cup. However, many football officials in Africa, including CAF President Ahmed Ahmed, publicly announced their support for the Morocco.
For the record, to host the international competition Morocco will need 104 votes. It is the fifth time that the country bids for organizing such event after its failed attempts in 1994, 1998, 2006 and 2010.

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