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The increase in prices or pressure generates explosion
Publié dans Jeunes du Maroc le 10 - 10 - 2006

At a time when the Moroccan people expected a breakthrough on the economic and social levels, ease his lack of reality and ferocity daily, delay government, which is still promising in their reports and official pronouncements promising future awaiting Moroccans, through the slogans that are printed every stage to fail and he thinks that solving crises and Khibatha advances, especially in the economic and financial daily diet at the expense of the ozone powdered him.
August where she worked for the government and surreptitiously quality of the increase in the prices of a set of basic materials burdened by the Moroccan burden simple, We came and the recent increase in prices of basic materials as some of the goal of covering the shortfall in the fund, which was set according to official statements 11 billion and also to overcome the problems associated with the preparation of the financial law for 2007, this has taken these decisions and the Moroccan people in the melee concerns sleepless summer, the pressure to enter school and to prepare for Ramadan, and all this packed doses of sedatives media ranging themes between the army and hashish and supporters Mahdi, Anikri and Liberation Party and his followers and other things, all provided an opportunity for the government, These increases in the per diem to the Moroccan people, even if everybody noticed it, as much as they can avail themselves of this protest is not only in time, the Dead ended after newspapers increases become a reality.
The bitter irony is that the action of the Moroccan government came only days after the statement by the minister who gave the first of the Advisory Council, which focused on the significant achievements in the social sphere, dedicated so that the Moroccan government over the history of Morocco has been a phenomenon of contemporary audio only, that has nothing to say and doing concrete disquisitions on the level of reality. The increase in the prices or the easy way : the government always has chosen to take the easy road to resolve financial conflicts, as the crisis deepened whenever resort to robbery on the pockets of citizens and the sale of vital utilities in the context of privatization, new mantra of the leader of the Socialist Altamimih minister of Finance and Privatization, Mltjeh policy solutions to the emergency fire fighting, and every dimension away from the policy of building creative focused on strengthening the national economy and encouraging investment. Thus, as a corollary of this policy, the state has always sought to get rid of the burden of social costs against interest-class ground, for example, the official stressed more than once that no government support consumer materials to no end.
The process of liberalization of prices should be gradual. The issue of the abolition of government support fund, which was introduced to subsidize basic consumer is only a question of time. What was sought by the government, The debate began with the start of the preparation of the financial law for 2006 and on the pretext broadening of the tax base was to invite the government to unify the value added ratios as proposed bill for fiscal 2006 compilation rates of the value added tax in the ratios are 10% and 20% instead of four rates, or 7%, 10%, 14% and 20%, which is the way the machine tune to the rise in prices, while official discourse suggest that he seeks to simplify resort, in fact, to lift sharply, the level of the tax burden on low-income citizens. note that the burden of the increase in tax rates would be on materials and vital services such as widespread consumption of water, electricity, medicine, food and vehicle ÇáãÕÈÑÇÊ, school and passenger occupancy hotels and real estate. This is what is in these days, or perhaps only the beginnings of things to come in the future, while turning a blind eye to the Tdrib luxury goods entertainment, so that it can be Altdrib policy in the service of the ruling class, and at the expense of the working class governed. With high oil prices, a result of the circumstantial war known to the Middle East, the government will find a hook appropriate justification for suspending the increases, which affected fuel and basic foodstuffs and services and means of transport of various kinds ... Although the price for a barrel of oil down from time to time, the government is turning a blind eye to base overlooking the fact that the tender internationally established. Moroccan street and the rise in prices between yesterday and today : political rhetoric may help the officials when it comes to electoral promises or hide a certain or falsified ... But when it comes to anything affecting the Moroccan people in the quality and strength daily, the talk becomes irrelevant meaning, It remains to store only two options Moroccan options : either provide bread or disclose its ugly face, to put two people in hunger in silence or death by bullets or under torture. This is what happened in March 23, 1965 when the situation worsened and the imposition of tuition fees which Kalkotrh HRDC Cup out in the street to a popular uprising ; fell through, according to the statements of Al-Bukhari, shot dead in 1525 arranged the plane.
This is repeated in the 20 / 21 June 1981 when he fell more than 600 people nominated visual Martyrs Alkomerh, result excited static oval in protest against the increase announced by the government on some basic foodstuffs. As in 1984 and 1990 would see the city of Fez, Marrakech and Tangier, Agadir, Meknes Quneitra and the same events for the same reasons. However, we can not fail registration, that, despite the fact that these events came together spontaneously, a natural result of the worsening social conditions. The political leadership and the trade unions, which may have triggered bubbles are not available on the awareness of the historic, strategic and ideological intellectual enough to contain the anger of the street and steering it in the direction of building the right, I said in spite of all this, the movement of society in these modes are social crisis with change of the index is important to be taken into account.
Considering that no matter how long Scott any society on the political despotism, the social crises are often, if not always, straw is dividing this tyranny and the spark that precedes maturity historical consciousness of society, no matter how initially material or for the transfer of Khbazih. This is the response of the Moroccan street from price increases as well as the response of the State to use the big stick to be silenced. And what is today's price increases and the level of economic and social asphyxia, which is known to members of the Moroccan people in parallel with the high rate of unemployment, low wages and consequently weak purchasing power of the individual, not less worsening of the situation that created the explosion in the previous decades. However, the policies of the State noted that the absorptive and repressive ... The political elite and the street through the contemporary history of Morocco, produced at this historic moment, and always closely apropos, two types of forms dealing with the incident increase in the price : the abuse of Moroccan street with the theme of the rise in prices : where we find that the street Moroccan simply silent protest in cafes and buses and markets in the dark corner...
Reliant Balhoukulah and suffering in silence without encroaching taking any position player would restore balance between the interests of society and the State's accounts and financial allocations. but no one knows exactly what are the limits of silence whenever possible and to the community will be able to patience and endurance, especially if shed transformations seen Moroccan society, in terms of protest, , which witnessed an unprecedented rise in recent years, has appeared on several different occasions and in diverse social groups, these protests, which have become up for the first time to the extent that self-immolation and collective suicide ... All this makes the price pressure is open to all facades explosion. * On the other hand : we find that some spoke denounce political, trade union and human rights associations and interested price indexation is still in the beginning was not up yet but hoped that the public expects. Thus, through observations, we can deduce the overwhelming gap between elites, which considers itself the representative of the Moroccan Street and the community. Where is the sole beneficiary of the stock and the footnote is nearby, the injured are members of the first Moroccan people and exclusively poor and middle class. This raises the question of a new and sharply from the absence of the community are capable of locking genuine concerns of the Moroccan people and channelling anger bubbles from the emotional condition of the movement of conscious and able to absorb historical lessons of the past and overcome yet clear reality and the future, set aside Moroccan society more tailings ponds.

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