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Mocro Maffia : A Moroccan-Dutch member shot dead in Spain
Publié dans Yabiladi le 29 - 10 - 2018

A Moroccan-Dutch national was killed in Spain in a settling of accounts. The latter is known for being targeted by one of the Netherlands' Mocro Maffia leaders, Redouane T.
On Saturday, 27th of October, Moroccan-Dutch national Hamza Z. was killed in a settling of accounts, associated with Mocro Maffia, a criminal network operating in the Netherlands, reports Dutch online newspaper Telegraaf.
The man who is known for his affiliation to a «cocaine war» in the city of Utrecht, was sitting in a restaurant with a woman and a foreign couple in a Mediterranean resort town on southern Spain's Costa del Sol called Torremolinos, when a masked man walked in and shot his him in the head and chest.
According to the same source, Hamza Z. died in the hospital and the suspect fled the scene in a white van. For the Spanish authorities, the murder of the 33-year-old man was a settling of accounts.
The newspaper has even linked the killing of Hamza Z. to Moroccan-Dutch criminal Redouane T., who was not on good terms with the deceased. In fact, the two men were involved in a conflict that quickly escalated, says Telegraaf.
Meanwhile, Hamza Z. was part of a criminal organization which was on the hunt for Redouane T., one of the criminals who is behind most of the killings that took place in the Netherlands in the recent years.
Redouane T. and the Marrakech shooting
According to Dutch police, many murders have been linked to Redouane T. who is believed to have ordered the killing of several people related to scandalous «cocaine war».
Moreover, Hamza Z., father of three children, was arrested earlier this month in Marbella for carrying weapons and explosives. Reports suggest that he was caught, putting home-made bombs in a dumpster in the city with the intention of bombing someone.
For the record, Redouane T. has been making headlines in the Netherlands and Europe. An arrest warrant has been issued to catch the man who is suspected to having ordered the Café La Créme shooting that occurred on November the 2nd, 2017 in Marrakech.
On October the 2nd, the Dutch police conducted a large in the neighborhood where Redouane T.'s relatives live.
The Dutch authorities arrested, seven people suspected of being affiliated to the criminal network known as Mocro mafia, but couldn't reach Redouane T.
In August, Moroccan police announced the arrest of the two brothers of Redouane.T, who are accused of helping the two men that were behind the Marrakesh shooting. The two brothers took orders from their brother who lives outside Morocco, said the Directorate General of National Security (DGSN).

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