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A Molenbeek' square to bear the name of Loubna Lafquiri
Publié dans Yabiladi le 24 - 01 - 2018

In March 2016, Loubna Lafquiri, a Moroccan-Belgian national, lost her life in the infamous Brussels attack. Now, her name is going to be engraved on one of Molenbeek' squares in an attempt to fight against hatred.
An exemplary teacher, an exceptional wife and an energetic individual, with these words Loubna Lafquiri's entourage decided to remember the woman that was torn from her family by cowards. The wife and mother of three children was one of the victims killed in the Brussels bombings in March 2016. Almost two years after the tragedy, Loubna's name is about to be remembered forever. In an initiative conducted by the municipality of Molenbeek, a square is going to bear the name of the Moroccan-Belgian woman.
«The Chant de l'Alouette square is going to be renamed after Loubna Lafquiri», Mohamed El Bachiri, her husband, told Yabiladi. «Losing her was a painful and tormenting experience for everyone here in Molenbeek», added the widower who wrote a book translating his loss into a message of love.
On the 8th of March and while commemorating the international women's day, El Bachiri and the inhabitants of Molenbeek will render homage to Loubna Lafquiri who lost her life, leaving behind a loving husband and three innocent children. «The idea was suggested by Molenbeek's Burgomaster, Francoise Schepmans, who reached out to me to collaborate», stated El Bachiri.
The step is indeed done to recognize Loubna Lafquiri's memoire and all Muslims and Moroccans out there in Molenbeek. Touched by the initiative, Mohamed El Bachiri explained that the square is a space that would pay tribute «to our values, Islam and Moroccans' reputation here in Belgium which has been affected by all these awful attacks».
A book and a square to remember Loubna
The inauguration of the soon-to-be-called Loubna Lafquiri square comes to complete the efforts of her committed husband. In his book, available in Dutch, English and French, Mohamed El Bachiri describes how losing his wife felt like while sending a message of love to the world. «The book was a way of introducing Loubna to the publicall while shedding light on her struggle and the pain I experienced», he said.
«Through this book, I also tried to transfer a message of love that has probably touched others in Molenbeek, Europe and Morocco».
Loubna Lafquiri's story has indeed captured the attention of book lovers in several European countries. «'A Jihad of Love' is a best seller book in the Netherlands and in Belgium and it will be soon studied in schools», added Mohamed who would visit a number of schools in the country to present and discuss the book with six graders.
The Moroccan-Belgian writer is also expected to attend the upcoming Casablanca International Publishing and Book fair, held in February, to present his book. «In the book, I spoke about my identity as a Moroccan national living abroad, Islam, and our values» which could give an idea about how Moroccans in Belgium feel about their origins.
Loubna Lafquiri and her husband Mohamed El Bachiri remain an example of so many families that lost their loved ones because of terrorism, and misunderstandings. The renamed square and the book are for sure a way to remember these people and fight against hatred.

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