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Western Sahara : Algeria expects «impartiality» from the United States
Publié dans Yabiladi le 08 - 01 - 2021

Algerian Foreign Minister Sabri Boukadoum said that his country expects from the United States the «impartiality required by the current challenges» on several issues, including that of Western Sahara.
Angered by the United States recognition of Morocco's sovereignty over Western Sahara, Algeria said on Thursday that it «expects from Washington the impartiality that the current challenges demand», to help advance regional and international peace causes.
«Mr Boukadoum underlined the nature of the role expected of the United States to advance peace causes at the regional and international levels, with the impartiality required given current challenges».
On the sidelines of the meeting between the Minister of Foreign Affairs Sabri Boukadoum and Assistant Secretary Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs David Schenker, made sure to address the Western Sahara issue.
«Regional and international issues of common interest, including Western Sahara, Mali, Libya and the situation prevailing in the Sahel region and in the Middle East», wrote Algerian press agency APS.
While insisting on the fact that the American decision «has been condemned», the same source argued that the move «contradicts the American position on the issue». «Internationally, all eyes are on Joe Biden who has full powers to annul this decision that breaks three decades of American policy in Western Sahara», it added.
American policy in North Africa is «constant and stable»
While Algeria is constantly urging the United States to make a U-turn on its recognition of Morocco's sovereignty over the Sahata, it contradicts itself, insisting that the «policy of the American administration» is constant when it comes to the «North Africa region».
Although it expects the Joe Biden administration to change the recent decision by Donald Trump, Algeria has welcomed the statements made by David Schenker. The latter affirmed that «despite the fact that each American administration has different prerogatives, the latter remains constant and stable with regard to approaches related to North Africa», APS wrote.
«The new administration elected under the leadership of Joe Biden will maintain the same approach, thanks to the changes in economic laws in Algeria to attract more foreign investment», APS added.
It is worth mentioning that during a press briefing at the end of his talks with Algerian foreign minister Sabri Boukadoum, David Schenker stressed that «the United States is still convinced that political negotiations are the only way to resolve the crisis between Morocco and the Polisario».
«These negotiations must take place within the framework of the autonomy plan proposed by Morocco», he added.
The American diplomat addressed the presidential decree of December 10, affirming that «the solution of the question of Western Sahara has not succeeded. The recognition of the United States is a bold and serious step towards a settlement to the conflict». The American diplomat is expected to visit Morocco on Friday.

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