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Morocco-EU : Financial aid and visa facilities in exchange for readmitting irregular migrants
Publié dans Yabiladi le 26 - 04 - 2021

The European Union wants to impose new measures on Morocco regarding irregular migration, such as the return of migrants from third countries, in exchange for more financial aid and visa facilities for Moroccans, according to a confidential EU document, discussed last week.
The European Union is ready to provide more funds and long-term proposals if Morocco accepts its new demands on migration. According to a confidential EU document, viewed by Spanish newspaper El Pais, «Morocco has made significant efforts to manage migration flows and prevent irregular arrivals in Spain», especially «after the substantial [financial] support provided in 2018».
However, Brussels is convinced that after the recent increase in migrant arrivals to the Canary Islands, the relationship with Morocco requires «setting long-term objectives».
The European Union believes that the launch of their financial framework for the 2021-2027 period and the creation of the so-called Neighborhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument offers the ideal opportunity to mark a turning point in the relationship with Morocco.
The Kingdom, the document says, would have high financial expectations, while the EU would have certain demands that Brussels could raise in return for closer collaboration.
The document thus indicates that the EU wants Rabat to facilitate more returns of its nationals. It recalled that Spain and France have a more fluid collaboration in this area, but that it would not be the case with other countries. «Cooperation with member states on readmission remains uneven», the document explains. The EU also wants Morocco to readmit migrants from third countries in exchange for a more favorable visa policy for Moroccans.
A «growing gap» between offers and expectations
The EU's wishlist does not end there. Beyond the returns of migrants to the borders, the European Union wants to strengthen the exchange of information with Morocco and judicial and operational cooperation against human trafficking. «We must also urge Morocco to adopt the asylum law and promote the role of the European Asylum Agency (EASO) in building an effective system», the document adds.
Rabat is resisting any European intervention that could be interpreted as interference in its internal policies or calling into question its ability to manage migratory flows. «Morocco has often perceived the EU's proposal to strengthen its capacities [for border control] underestimates its own capacities», the document read. «On the other hand, Morocco frequently asserts that it needs support in the form of equipment in this area», the same source added.
The text, which was discussed on Thursday by the representatives of all the member states, recognizes, however, «a growing gap between European offers and Moroccan expectations» and the «difficulty of aligning objectives». Rabat considers some of the EU's offers to be «irrelevant or with low added value».
Morocco is the third partner in terms of financial aid received from the EU for the management of migrants, after Turkey and Libya (355 million euros in 2015). Morocco estimates that its efforts require an investment of 3.5 billion euros over the 2020-2027 period, or 435 million euros per year, while aid from Brussels amounted to 343 million euros in migration management support programs since 2014.

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