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Migration : The European Commission says EU is unable to help Morocco, citing limited resources
Publié dans Yabiladi le 01 - 08 - 2018

The president of the European Commission says the EU is unable to help Morocco manage migration flows at the moment, citing limited resources.
Responding to Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez' letter to the European Council, its president Jean-Claude Juncker said that the EU is unable to help Morocco manage its borders, citing the political and economic union's limited funds, reports El Pais on Wednesday.
«I share the same sense of urgency», stressed the Luxembourgish politician in a letter sent to the Spanish newly elected head of government. He explained that European Union's financial means are too «limited», currently, to back the Kingdom in its fight against illegal migration.
Juncker's letter comes as Sanchez backed a Moroccan demand, when addressing the EU body last week. Sanchez urged Juncker to provide emergency assistance to tackle the surge in migrant arrivals.
The EU Emergency Trust Fund for stability
The Spanish police will benefit, starting from this week, from funds already approved by the EU to face migration flows, says the same letter. However, this money can hardly save the problem in Morocco, added Juncker who admitted that the Kingdom would need stronger financial efforts to limit the surge.
To put it in other words, Juncker announced that the European Union Emergency Trust Fund for stability and addressing root causes of irregular migration and displaced persons in Africa is in the need of financial contributions.
According to him, the Fund created in 2015 was covered by a 3 500-million-euro grant. Unfortunately, EU partners and other donors, such as Norway and Switzerland agreed to offer only 439 million Euros.
The head of the European Commission, however, promised that Morocco will be considered when grants dedicated to the fund grow.
Not massive but worrying
Spain has been putting pressure on the European Union to tackle the issue of migration especially that the number of migrants reaching Spain through Morocco grew significantly. In addition to his letter to the EU body, Sanchez has already raised the need of acting on the issue at the European Union summit, held in June in Brussels.
Following the summit, the European Union approved a 55 million-euro fund to manage borders and equip border guards in Morocco and Tunisia but that is still insufficient.
In a press conference held in Spain, Spanish Foreign minister Josep Borrel said that he was told by his Moroccan counterpart Nasser Bourita that «the arrival of a greater number of migrants in the recent days is simply due to the closure of the route linking Europe to Libya», reports Spanish online newspaper OK Diario.
The minister «rejected suggestions the country is experiencing mass immigration, calling instead for perspective on the issue and arguing that Europe needs new blood to make up for a low birth rate», indicates the Guardian.
Recent numbers suggest that on July the 30th, 23 993 people entered Europe through the above-mentioned route, surpassing other courses such as the one through Italy (18 298).
On July the 26th only, nearly 400 migrants forced their way into the Spanish enclave Ceuta from the Moroccan territory.

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