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In Morocco oasis town, residents protest water management decision for three months
Publié dans Yabiladi le 16 - 02 - 2024

Residents of Figuig have been demonstrating for over three months against their municipality's decision to delegate water and electricity management to the regional intercommunal group, Oriental Distribution. The arrest of some protest figures yesterday has reportedly heightened tensions.
Residents of Figuig, an oasis town in eastern Morocco, have entered the 110th day of demonstrations against a municipal council decision that granted water, electricity, and sanitation management to the intercommunal group, Oriental Distribution.
Locals view this move as a «privatization» of a vital sector, especially in an area where water access is already challenging.
According to council member Ali Zizah, the issue began with an «extraordinary session» on October 26, 2023, addressing three points, including joining the intercommunal group for water, electricity, and sanitation management. He asserts the council unanimously rejected this proposal.
«The next day, the prefect summoned the commune president and deputies to Bouarfa», Zizah told Yabiladi. «He claimed it was to discuss the refusal, but I warned him against bypassing the council».
Two days later, the president summoned council members «for another session to grant water management to the intercommunal group, despite it being one of the municipality's only income sources, with limited revenue», Zizah explained.
He described the decision as a «blow» and claims the council «wasn't in control of its decisions». Zizah added that «daily demonstrations by the population» have continued since then.
Figuig municipality responds to water management controversy
The Figuig municipality released a statement addressing the ongoing protests over the decision to delegate water management to the Oriental Distribution group.
The statement asserts that council members did not face any pressure from regional authorities to change their initial position of rejecting the proposal. They reiterate that the «unanimous vote on October 26, 2023 aimed to preserve the municipality's financial stability», as joining the group would result in a potential revenue loss of nearly 2.2 million dirhams.
However, the municipality explains that a revised decision was reached through «an agreement with the regional authority». This mutual agreement guarantees that the regional authority will reimburse any financial deficit incurred by the municipality following the handover.
Finally, the statement highlights that the revised decision was «approved by the majority of council members» during a subsequent extraordinary session on November 1st, 2023.
Escalating tensions in Figuig protests
As protests in Figuig continue, an incident on Wednesday, February 14th further heightened tensions.
«Yesterday, the pasha [provincial governor] physically and verbally assaulted a woman who requested permission to dig a well», reported council member Ali Zizah. «This sparked a spontaneous march, where activist Mohamed Ibrahimi warned that 'anything could happen' to the pasha due to this escalation. He was later summoned and arrested».
Zizah believes the arrest «won't deter the movement. These residents elected us, and we stand with them. Today, we boycotted the council's February session».
Alami Harouni, coordinator of the «National Committee in Support of the Figuig Movement», announced a planned solidarity convoy to the city.
«We demand compensation from Figuig. The Equity and Reconciliation Commission (IER) recommended collective reparations through public investments. Limited water access will burden residents who oppose this decision», he stated.
Harouni believes dialogue with authorities is stalled, and the recent incident has worsened tensions. He holds «the pasha of Figuig responsible for what happened».

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