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Diaspora #334 : Houda Levassort Gueddari, from tourism to digital marketing
Publié dans Yabiladi le 13 - 04 - 2024

After six years of settling in France, young Moroccan Houda Levassort Gueddari decided to set up her own company specialized in digital marketing, and after a great demand for her services, she decided to open a company specialized in the same field in Morocco this year.
Born in 1988 in Rabat, Houda Levassort Gueddari spent her childhood between Rabat and Salé. From a young age, she was attracted to all things digital, but decided to major in tourism, enrolling in the Higher Institute of Tourism in Tangier. There she obtained a master's degree in the management of tourism enterprises.
In 2015, she met her life partner, and then decided to move to Bordeaux, France. «Beginnings are always difficult, but I did my best to adapt to the new life, and my first start was working in real estate, but I was always sure that working as an employee was not for me, and I always set my sights on starting my own business», she said.
At the end of 2019, France, like the rest of the world, suffered from the coronavirus pandemic. «Things deteriorated a lot during the pandemic, and I started thinking seriously about turning my plans into reality», she said.
«During the quarantine, I started working on developing the idea, and I chose the field I wanted to specialize in. Ever since I was young, I have been fascinated with everything related to the digital and online worlds, so I decided to specialize in digital marketing and content creation».
Houda decided to rely on herself to move from a hobby in the field of digital marketing to professional world. After an in-depth analysis and online courses in the field, in 2021 she knew it was time to bring her company into existence. She found her family and husband by her side, all of whom worked to encourage her.
«In France, to create a company, you must do all the transactions online. I opened the company, I started looking for customers, and thank God there was demand from the first month, I started developing my services month after month», she said.
Houda specializes in creating and managing social media accounts, determining communication strategies, creating engaging content, analyzing statistics, and providing digital marketing advice, among other services.
«My field is always evolving, and to stay up to date, you have to keep learning, and that's what I always do, I work on overcoming my weaknesses and developing my skills to provide services at the highest level», she said.
«I devote most of my time to work, and I am now in the process of expanding the company and looking for new employees to help me».
Following her company's establishment in France, Houda decided to bring her digital marketing expertise to Morocco, where she plans to open a company in Marrakech in September.
«We are moving beyond flyers and billboards, digital marketing is much more effective and relies on modern technology to publicize products and services and build relationships with customers. Through digital marketing, companies can reach a wider audience at a lower cost compared to traditional means, and they can better analyze the results of their campaigns to improve their strategies and better achieve their goals».
Houda believes that supporting women entrepreneurs in Morocco is an important step towards promoting equality and enhancing the role of women in the economy, creating a more inclusive and diverse environment in the labor market, fostering innovation, creating jobs for women, and empowering them economically.
«I support women entrepreneurs, Moroccan women can succeed in any country, they just have to believe in their ideas and work to overcome the difficulties thanks to their will and determination», she added.

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