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Trump's Jerusalem decision : Moroccans took the streets in several cities after the Friday prayer
Publié dans Yabiladi le 08 - 12 - 2017

After the Friday prayer, Moroccans took the streets in several cities in the kingdom to denounce Donald Trump's recent decision. The demonstrations held today will be followed by a march scheduled for Sunday in Rabat.
As the factions in Palestine announced on Tuesday that they would carry out three days of protest over the recent announcement of President Donald Trump, intending to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, several Moroccans took the streets on Friday for the same reason. After the Friday prayer, a number of Moroccans went out to support the Palestinian people throughout the kingdom.
According to a communiqué sent to Yabiladi by the Umah Support Authority, a body affiliated to Al Adl Wal Ihsane, a Moroccan Islamist association «50 massive demonstrations took place in different cities and villages, showing support for Palestine and denouncing the reckless decision of the American president».
The marches entitled «Friday of rage» were witnessed in Rabat, Casablanca, Settat, Berrshid, Oujda, Nadour, Tetouan, El Jadida and Khouribga.
Moreover, the National Action Group for Palestine and the Moroccan Association for the support of the Palestinian cause announced on Thursday, 7th of December, that they are organizing a massive rally on Sunday at 10am in Rabat to denounce the US President's recent decision.
A march on Sunday
In a communiqué issued by the two bodies and sent to Yabildai on Thursday, this march comes «to stand against the Zionist-American decision that targets the sacred places of Islam by declaring Jerusalem a capital of the Zionist entity and relocating the American Embassy».
It also comes in order to «oppose all forms of normalization with the Zionist enemy... And to protect and liberate Jerusalem».
The National Working Group for Palestine and the Moroccan Association for the Support the Palestinian Cause urged all Moroccans to take the streets and attend the rally scheduled for the 10th of December 2017, commemorating at the same time the International Day of Human Rights.
In his speech delivered on Wednesday from the White House, the US President declared that he is «determined to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel». According to the Republican president, he «judged this course of action to be in the best interests of the United States of America, and the pursuit of peace between Israel and the Palestinians». Trump explained that his decision is merely an extension of a historical reality, stressing that «Jerusalem was the capital of the Jewish people during Antiquity and the seat of modern government».
Before declaring his intention of relocating the American embassy, King Mohammed VI sent a letter to Donald Trump warning him against the consequences of this step. «The above-mentioned intention would have a negative impact on prospects for achieving a just, comprehensive settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, particularly as the United States of America is one of the main sponsors of the peace process – one that enjoys the trust of all parties», wrote the sovereign.

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