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Farm owners in Huelva say Moroccan strawberry pickers are called «prostitutes» by their bosses
Publié dans Yabiladi le 07 - 06 - 2018

In a shocking account, three farm owners in Huelva gave an insider point of view of how Moroccan strawberry pickers are treated in the fields. They are called «prostitutes» by their bosses reported the three men when speaking to El Espanol.
According to three farm owners in Huelva, everyone knows what happens to Moroccan strawberry pickers in the fields. Speaking to El Espanol on Wednesday, the three men who requested anonymity were ready to give an insider image about the way these farm workers are looked at by their managers and bosses.
The three men accepted to speak because they «felt unfairly targeted by what others do in the fields», referring to farm owners who enjoy exploiting the women working in their businesses.
While working on the story in Huelva, the co-owner of a strawberry farm shouted in front of El Espanol's reporter and photographer saying : «It's simple. This year whores from Agadir and Tangier were brought to us. They come knowing what they want and they benefit from the situation. That is why they denounce it».
«They know why they are here»
Commenting on this, one of the three businessmen who own a farm in Lepe, a town in the province of Huelva, told El Espanol that «when they (farm workers) do not accept the working conditions, which are usually similar and close to exploitation, and say no to the sexual requests of their managers, they are called whores».
«It is unfair», said the man from Lepe, stressing that he «treats women and the rest of his employees with respect».
Huelva's farms : Four Moroccan women report alleged sexual abuses to the Spanish authorities
For another farm owner in Moguer, many bosses in the province of Huelva have been scared after the scandal related to Moroccan strawberry pickers erupted. «We do not know why, but women have taken a step forward and started denouncing abuse», he explained.
Furthermore, the 45-year-old man told the Spanish newspaper that while he was having a cup of coffee one day he was told by a man who also owns a farm in Huelva that «this year whores from Morocco came knowing very well what awaits them here».
«You touch them and they denounce you to get something, maybe in order to stay in Spain», said the Moguer farmer quoting his counterpart. «I did not answer him… because of these people the sector's image is damaged», he added.
Taking advantage of their vulnerability
The third farm owner, from Cartaya, has also something to say about the Moroccan women working in the fields and the way they are treated by their managers and bosses. Contacted by El Espanol, he said that the phrase «the Agadir whores» has been heard frequently in Huelva during the last couple of weeks.
«Look, here it is known that some people organize parties attended by the women that work for them. Some of them are paid, but others are forced to do it in order not to lose their jobs and be able to return the following year to the fields», declared the man from Cartaya.
Huelva Gate : Dozens of strawberry pickers are sent to Morocco as others report abuse
«They take advantage of the fact that most of them have children and are divorced or widowed», he added.
For now, twelve Moroccan women have reported to the Spanish authorities abuses they are subjected to in the fields by their managers and bosses. Another collective complaint was lodged by hundreds of women working in a farm located in the province with the help of the Andalusia workers syndicate (SAT).
So far, only one individual has been arrested in connection to the case. He is a 47-year-old Spanish national of Moroccan origin who was released later, awaiting his trial.

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