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Morocco ranked second in North Africa by the 2018 Quality of Nationality Index
Publié dans Yabiladi le 23 - 04 - 2018

Morocco has a medium quality nationality according to the latest edition of the Quality of Nationality Index. The report ranks the kingdom second in North Africa and 123rd in the world.
Morocco is ranked 123rd by the 3rd edition of the Henley & Partners – Kochenov Quality of Nationality Index (QNI) launched recently in London. Providing a comprehensive ranking of the quality of nationalities worldwide, the survey was topped by France, earning a score of 81.7%.
France was followed by Germany 2nd, Iceland 3rd, Denmark 4th, Netherlands, 5th, Norway 6th, Sweden 7th, Finland 8th, Italy 8th, Switzerland 9th, and Austria 10th. On the other hand, the North African Kingdom was positioned second in the region headed by Tunisia 110th and followed by Algeria 129th, Egypt 135th, Mauritania 144th and Libya 151.
Earning a score of 26.1%, Morocco was, moreover, ranked 7th in the MENA region headed by UAE 49th, Kuwait 82, Qatar 87th, Saudi Arabia 89th, Bahrain and Oman 90th and ahead of Jordan 130th, Lebanon 138th and Syria 162nd.
Central African Republic 163rd, South Sudan 164th, Iraq 165th, Afghanistan 166th, Somalia 167th are at the bottom of the annual ranking.
Medium Quality category
For the record, Morocco was ranked 125th by the same report in 2017 when it was covering only 159 countries. Now Quality of Nationality Index ranks 168 nations in the world measuring «both the internal value of nationality, which refers to the quality of life and opportunities for personal growth within our country of origin, and the external value of nationality, which identifies the diversity and quality of opportunities that our nationality allows us to pursue outside our country of origin (where the majority of the holders of the nationality have the unlimited right to reside)», said the authors of the report in a note.
To deliver the above-mentioned information, the QNI looks at how a country is performing when it comes to human development, weight of travel freedom, diversity of travel freedom, weight of settlement freedom, diversity of settlement freedom, peace and stability and economic growth.
Based on the collected data, QNI «divides the nationalities of the world into five quality-based tiers — Extremely High Quality, Very High Quality, High Quality, Medium Quality, and Low Quality — giving a very clear picture of the standing of each nationality in the world at one glance. These tiers are distinguished according to a percentage scale», said the same source.
Morocco is part of the Medium Quality category among other Nationalities with a value of between 20.00% and 34.99%.

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