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Diaspo #44 : Fatna El Hamrit, creating «The Shukran» to honor the Muslim World
Publié dans Yabiladi le 09 - 06 - 2018

Fatna El Hamrit is a young Italian woman of Moroccan descent who is attached to her roots and dreams. She is part of the team that created «The Shukran», the first social network made by the Muslim community.
In Italy, «The Shukran» has made headlines for being the first social network created by the Muslim community. It is even one of the 50 most downloaded apps in the world. Fatna El Hamrit is one of the people who worked on creating this innovative project.
The Moroccan-born Italian is passionate about her app and is ready to talk about it for hours. «We have seen tremendous progress and the information was quickly and massively relayed by the Italian media. We have even been contacted by the national television», the 29-year-old woman told Yabiladi.
The team that worked on the project included three Moroccan-Italian women : «culinary blogger Siham Lamoudni, Sanaa Fariat and I», said Fatna El Hamrit. Lucas Bauccio was the person who had the idea at first. Photographer Nicola Fioravanti and influencer Eva Cordioli are also part of the crew.
«We are all less than 30 years old and we live in different cities in Italy. We have come together since 2015 to make it work», she added.
Representing Muslims
«The Shukran» is nothing like Facebook and Instagram. It's main goal is to bring Muslims together and «show their world» and the most important thing is that a «like» is replaced by «Shukran» (thanks in Arabic).
«We want to create a platform that represents Muslims, their art, their culture, and the positive things that the Muslim World have. It must be emphasized that this app is not limited to Muslims only, but it is for everyone. It's a social network created in Italy where everyone can post photos, and posts».
Fatna El Hamrit
Fatna Al Hamrit has spent her entire life in Italy since the age of three but is deeply in love with Morocco and Muslim countries in general. «Those who live in non-Muslim countries must behave in a certain way in order not be associated with the various attacks that took place lately in Europe», said the 29-year-old woman.
«There are a lot of prejudices but it is up to us to change that, little by little through things like this app».
Fatna El Hamrit
Fatna El Hamrit has lived all her life in Venice, she studied linguistics and cultural studies at the University of Padua. Apart from working with «The Shukran» team, Fatna El Hamrit serves as a mediator for an architecture firm operating in Italy and Cameroon.
The Skhirate-native speaks at least four languages, not to mention Italian, her mother tongue. «It was during my studies at university that I learned French, Spanish and English. As for Arabic, my parents have always made sure that we speak Arabic at home», she says.
At least once a year, Fatna El Hamrit visits Morocco to see her family. «I like Morocco a lot. I learned how to adapt and understand the culture. It's not a problem if you do not share the same opinions», she concluded.

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