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The US Trade and Development agency backs LNG infrastructure in Morocco
Publié dans Yabiladi le 28 - 09 - 2018

The United States of America is backing Morocco's gas projects. Washington is willing to assist the Kingdom's plans to export liquified natural gas to Europe.
The US Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) announced in a communiqué released Wednesday, 26th of September, that it awarded a grant to Morocco's Ministry of Energy, Mines and Sustainable Development.
The agency will be backing a feasibility study, conducted to «evaluate building an LNG import terminal and regasification facility that would link to the Maghreb-Europe Gas Pipeline», explained the press release.
«This project will help meet growing demand for natural gas in Morocco, while creating new business opportunities for U.S. companies», said USTDA's Director for Congressional and Public Affairs, Thomas R. Hardy, who has been running the agency since July 2017.
«This study will give the Moroccan authorities factual insight on LNG's future role in the implementation of the Kingdom's energy strategy», said Morocco's Ministry of Energy, Mining and Sustainable Development.
«This study will give a factual overview to the Moroccan authorities on the future role of liquefied natural gas in the implementation of the Kingdom's energy strategy», added the same source.
USTDA has already granted Morocco money in the past
The feasibility study will be conducted by Lixia Capsia Gestionis, a business and investment advisory based in Virginia, USA. The firm has an office in Morocco since 2012. «We are looking forward to working closely with the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco represented by the Ministry of Energy, Mining and Sustainable Development to advance the energy goals and support the implementation of the Kingdom's national energy strategy», said Matthew Meredith, Lixia Capsia Gestionis Managing Principal.
The US embassy in Rabat welcomed the grant given to Morocco by the USTDA. «The U.S. Government is proud to support Morocco's energy diversification and assist Morocco in providing reliable and efficient energy to its citizens», said Chargé d'Affaires Stephanie A. Miley.
«We look forward to seeing the results of the feasibility study, the eventual launch of the LNG terminal, and to continuing the excellent cooperation between our two countries, in the energy sector and as in so many other areas», she added.
The USTDA press release does not mention the amount of money granted to the department of Aziz Rebbah.
In the past, the Agency had handed Morocco grants for other projects, such as $ 552,000 in 2011 to support the development of renewable energy in fishing villages and $ 917,865 in 2008 divided between the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries ( $ 531,810) and the former ONEP agency ($ 385,876).

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