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The Department of State warns US citizens against heightened terror threat in Morocco
Publié dans Yabiladi le 03 - 04 - 2019

The US Department of State updated, Tuesday, its travel advisory, warning American citizens against heightened terror threat in Morocco. This update comes almost four months after two Scandinavian tourists were killed in a terror act in the Kingdom.
The US Department of State updated, Tuesday, its travel advisory for American citizens, wishing to travel to Morocco. On its website, the Bureau of Consular Affairs stressed that «increased caution» must be exercised when visiting the Kingdom, «due to terror threats».
In its international travel information, the US department warned against terrorist groups that «continue plotting attacks» in the Kingdom.
«Terrorist may attack with little or no warning, targeting tourist locations, transportation hubs, markets/shopping malls and local government facilities», wrote the American department.
Moreover, in its safety and security review for the North African Kingdom, the same source stressed that the «potential for terrorist violence against U.S. interests and citizens exists» in the country.
Terror threat and the Imlil killings
Hailing the efforts made by the Moroccan authorities to counter terrorism, dismantle terror groups and arrest individuals associated with international terror organizations, the US Department of State referred to one of the recent terrorist attacks that took place in the Kingdom.
«Lone wolfs attacks are difficult to detect and disrupt and can occur without warning», the same source pointed out, citing the Imlil killings that took place in December, 2018. The attack, carried out by four terrorists who had pledged allegiance to ISIS only one week before the attack, targeted two Scandinavian tourists.
The two female mountaineers were found dead near Imlil, a small town close to Morocco's highest peak Toubkal.
Moreover, the travel advisory warned against traveling in the Sahara. «There are thousands of unexploded mines in the Western Sahara», the same source wrote, adding that : «mines occasionally explode, and they have caused death and injury».
Referring to the territorial conflict, the department did not forget to mention that some «US citizens suspected of being participants in political protests or of supporting NGOs» in Western Sahara might get expelled.
The US is not the only country to update its travel advisory, citing terror threats. In March, the United Kingdom's Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) updated information and advice on «the threat from terrorism in Morocco, reflecting an increased threat». The FCO linked the new update to the terrorist attack that targeted two Scandinavian tourists.

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