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Ramadan 1440 : Morocco, Algeria and Palestine to observe the new moon on Sunday
Publié dans Yabiladi le 03 - 05 - 2019

During the weekend, several countries around the world will be observing the new moon to determine the first day of Ramadan for 2019.
On Saturday, May 4th, several countries will be observing the new moon, signaling the start of Ramadan, during which Muslims fast from dawn until dusk. Morocco will be observing the new moon on Sunday, to determine the first day of Ramadan for 2019.
In Saudi Arabia, the Supreme Court called on Muslims to look, Saturday, for the crescent moon and «inform the nearest court», the Saudi state-news agency SPA reported in a statement made public Thursday. Saudi Arabia, which is a reference to several Muslim minorities in the world, expects Ramadan to begin on Sunday, the same source said.
In Palestine, the current Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Muhammad Ahmad Hussein urged Palestinians to watch the new moon for Ramadan 2019, after the sunset on Sunday.
In Sudan, Chairman of Islamic Fiqh Academy announced that moonsighting in the country will take place on Sunday after the sunset.
Moonsighting in France, Algeria and Tunisia
Meanwhile in Qatar, the moon sighting committee of the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, which is responsible for announcing the beginning of the holy month, will be observing the new crescent on Sunday, expecting the first day of Ramadan to fall on Monday.
On the other hand, the Iftaa Department in Jordan asked citizens to observe the new moon on Sunday. The same thing goes for Egypt, which will be conducting moonsighting on the same day as Jordan.
In France, the Grande Mosquée de Paris announced that Saturday is the twenty-ninth day of Sha'ban. The mosque will be observing the new moon, to spot the start of Ramadan, on Saturday, expecting the 1st day of the holy month to be on Sunday.
In Algeria, the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments announced that a specialized committee will be observing the new moon of Ramadan on Sunday. In Tunisia, the Grand Mufti of the Republic announced that on Sunday, May the 5th, is the twenty-ninth day of Sha'ban and that moonsighting will take place on the same day.
While many countries rely on moonsighting to determine the first day of Ramadan, other nations rely on astronomical calculations.
International Astronomical Center pointed out that Monday, May 6th, will be the beginning of the month of Ramadan in several Muslim countries, stressing that on the same day the new moon will be observed in a series of Muslim nations with the naked eye.

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