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Thousands of Moroccans march in Rabat demanding the end of normalization with Israel
Publié dans Yabiladi le 25 - 12 - 2023

Thousands of Moroccans participated in a massive march in Rabat, coinciding with the third anniversary of the signing of the normalization agreement between Morocco and Israel. The participants demanded the closure of the Israeli liaison office in Rabat, and chanted slogans in support of the Palestinian people.
Thousands of Moroccans marched, Sunday, in Rabat demanding an end to Israel-Morocco ties and denouncing the ongoing war on Gaza. The march, which was called for by the Moroccan Front to support Palestine and oppose normalization, marks the third anniversary of the resumption of ties between Rabat and Tel Aviv.
The participants raised Palestinian flags, chanted slogans against normalization and rejected the targeting of civilians by the Israeli forces.
This march, the fourth national march since the beginning of the Israeli war with Gaza, included acts and scenes that referred to the extent of the crimes committed against the Palestinian people.
The demonstrators signed a petition calling on the Moroccan state to put an end to normalization. «We, the undersigned, the daughters and sons of the free Moroccan people, denounce the usurping Zionist crime against our people in Gaza and call on the international community to intervene urgently to stop the killing and displacement of innocent civilians and the targeting of Holy sites», reads the petition.
«We demand urgent action to support our Palestinian brothers with all available capabilities», argued the signatories, calling «the Palestinian people to stand firm and continue their resistance against the occupation until the last inch of Palestine is liberated».
At the end of the march, the Deputy National Coordinator of the Moroccan Front for supporting Palestine and against Normalization, Abdessamad Fathi, said that Palestinians have been subjected for the last «78 days to all sorts of human rights violations, and all sorts of war crimes, genocide and ethnic cleansing».
In his speech, he praised what «the Palestinians and the resistance have done for the sake of Palestine, for the sake of the nation, for the sake of the stolen right, and for the sake of all the oppressed», and he regretted that the Arab countries did not «stand with the resistance».
In his speech, Fathi asked, «wasn't this bloodshed enough for you to sever your relationship with this criminal entity? Wasn't this killing, this brutality, and genocide enough for you to break up with the Zionist entity? What conscience do you bear?»
Since October 7, the Israeli army has been waging a devastating war on Gaza, which has so far resulted in more than 20,000 deaths, most of which are women and children.

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