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Atlas Lions : The new recruits are doing a good job at integrating, Regragui says
Publié dans Yabiladi le 22 - 03 - 2024

The new players summoned to join the Atlas Lions in their friendlies against Angola and Mauritania in Agadir are integrating well with the rest of the team, Morocco's national football team coach Walid Regragui said on Thursday.
The squad announced earlier this month by the Royal Moroccan Footbal federation, includes new recruits, namely Real Madrid star Brahim Diaz, his club teammate Youssef Enríquez Lekhedim, Villarreal winger Ilias Akhomach Chakkour, and Monaco star Eliesse Ben Seghir.
«Some of the young players have already played with the Atlas Lions' Olympic team, and others have teammates in the national team because they play against each other, like Diaz and Hakimi», commented Regragui during a press release held ahead of the friendly game against Angola.
«Integration is not an obstacle, we have players that have known each other for a long time, and whenever new players are added, we make sure to help them integrate and show them the value of wearing the national jersey», he added.
«What I like the most are the dynamics of this team, despite the recent disappointment, there are players who want to play for the national team, so it is important to give them enough time to integrate well into the team. The players are talented and will play a big role in the future».
Speaking about the two friendlies, Regragui noted that they come after the short-lived journey of the Atlas Lions at the the Africa Cup of Nations. «We will be starting a new chapter, preparing for the World Cup qualifiers», he said.
«We have chosen two matches that I think are important for us aganst a team that reached the Afcon's quarterfinals and another that made it to the final eight. It will be a good test to prepare for the upcoming games».
In terms of injuries, he noted that Amine Adli has felt pain this week, adding that «we will see tomorrow if we can risk it or wait for Tuesday's game».
Commenting on Brahim Diaz's decision of joining the Atlas Lions, Regragui said that it has been a project in the making, alongside the president of the Moroccan federation for over a year and a half.
«It was not easy. It had more to do with the right timing than the choice of the player», he explained, emphasizing that «when I went to meet him, he was playing for Milan, before moving to Real Madrid. At the same time, there was the Africa Cup of Nations, which was no small thing for someone who has shown as much development as Diaz. Let's be honest there, when you choose to play for an African team, the transition is no easy task. After his move to Real Madrid, we had a promise from him and he kept his promise».
«He is a great player and he shows it every weekend. To have a Real Madrid player in the Moroccan national team is something to be proud of. For me, he will definitely win the hearts of Moroccans, because he chose Morocco over Spain. Also, he came at a difficult time for us, after a competition where we didn't look good, and not after the World Cup, when there was a lot of momentum».
«There is also Ben Saghir, who is a promising player in France and chose Morocco at the age of 19, which is very important. The player will have his say in the future. He needs time to reach a good level and we will support him to achieve this».

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