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Morocco vs. Portugal 1986 : Will history repeat itself tomorrow in Moscow ?
Publié dans Yabiladi le 19 - 06 - 2018

On Wednesday, 20th of June, the Atlas Lions will face Portugal in Moscow. 32 years ago, the two teams met in Mexico' second World Cup where Portugal was defeated by Morocco in its first second round qualification.
Morocco was the first African football team to win a group at the 1986 World Cup hosted by Mexico. Defeating Portugal, the Atlas Lions were able to top group F at the international tournament with four points. 32 years later, the two green teams will meet tomorrow as part of the 2018 Russia World Cup first round.
Before heading to Mexico' second World Cup, the Atlas Lions had to fight for their ticket in Africa first. Alongside Algeria, the North African Kingdom took part in the World Cup representing the African continent. In its first qualifying matches, the national team played against Sierra Leone twice and successfully defeated it (1-0 / 4-0).
On the second round, it won against Malawi twice while repeating the same achievement during the third tour played against Egypt. The Atlas Lions were qualified to the 1986 World Cup by kicking Libya out of the completion on the final round (3-0).
Being part of Group F alongside Poland, England, and Portugal, Morocco played its World Cup opening game on the 2nd of June. Facing the Polish team, the Atlas Lions ended the match in a draw. On the 6th of the same month, the Moroccan team managed to maintain the same result when playing against England.
On the other hand, Portugal won against England scoring one goal and was defeated by Poland (1-0).
Morocco vs. Portugal
Morocco's hot shot was on the 11th of June, as it faced Portugal in the Jalisco Stadium in Guadalajara. The epic game offered the Atlas Lions their first ticket to a World Cup second round.
Headed by Brazilian coach and former footballer José 'Mehdi' Faria, the Moroccan team successfully scored three goals winning one of their most important games in the international tournament.
Morocco's squad included brilliant goal keeper Badou Zaki, Labid Khalifa, Abdelmajid Dolmy, Mustapha El Haddaoui, Aziz Bouderbala, Mohammed Timoumi, Abdelkrim Merry (Krimo), and Abderrazak Khairi.
Surprisingly, 19 minutes after the start of the game, Abderrazak scored Morocco's first goal against the Portuguese team. 8 minutes later, the same player scored a second one with the help of Labid Khalifa.
During the second round, on the 62 minute, Abdelkrim Merry scored the Kingdom's third goal, thanks to a pass from Timoumi.
Portugal responded 18 minutes later when midfielder player Diamantino Miranda scored the team's single goal.
Portugal was disqualified in its first World Cup appearance since 1966, leaving room for the Atlas Lions who faced West Germany in the tournament's second round.
The Atlas Lions were defeated (1-0) by West Germany later but the team returned home, knowing that they have done their best to achieve a once in a life victory.

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