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In New York, Morocco condemns Iranian intervention in Arab's internal affairs
Publié dans Yabiladi le 27 - 09 - 2019

In March, the Minister of Foreign Affairs said that Morocco is free to adopt different positions than the ones shared by its Saudi and Emirati allies. Months later, the diplomat endorses the positions of the two countries regarding the «Iranian threats».
In New York, Morocco's Foreign Affairs Minister condemned the Iranian policy in the Arabian Peninsula. Interviewed by Sky News Arabia, Nasser Bourita firmly addressed, Thursday, what he called «Iranian threats».
«Iran has never stopped its hostile actions in the region and has continued adopting a strategy that threatens not only neighboring states, but also Arab security and international stability».
Nasser Bourita
He added that Iranian officials must know that «regional stability cannot be divided or separated. Any attack on it would lead to terrible consequences».
Furthermore, the Moroccan diplomat called on the international community to «review» its policy and «unify» its speech against Iran to «fight against the violations of that country that are hostile to stability and peace».
Rabat aligned with Riyadh and Abu Dhabi
Speaking to the Arabic 24-hour rolling news channel, Bourita slammed Iran's nuclear deal, signed in July 2015, in Vienna : «Since then, they have given Iran a bigger role in the region and made it clear that it can intervene in all cases».
To Bourita, the problem is «not only about Saudi Arabia and Iran», warning against «Iranian threats» in North Africa and the continent, which «is unacceptable».
The Foreign Minister also stressed that Morocco is also targeted by these «threats» and «interventions». He spoke about some «Arab countries that give Iran the opportunity to intervene in our region and threaten our security», referring to Algeria.
The Minister's comments on Iran come only one day after he held a meeting with his Emirati counterpart in New York, on the sidelines of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly.
Months before this statement, Rabat, Abu Dhabi and Riyadh went through a period full of tensions. In March, Bourita said that Morocco is free to adopt different positions than the ones shared by its Saudi and Emirati allies.
«Sometimes we may disagree on certain issues, foreign policy being a matter of sovereignty. In Morocco, it is also based on principles and fundamental values», the Minister acknowledged, referring to the Libyan crisis.
Speaking to an Emirati channel, Nasser Bourita recalled that King Mohammed VI condemned the attacks that targeted oil facilities in Saudi Arabia.

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