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Moroccan Foreign Minister asserts unwavering support for Palestinians' legitimate rights
Publié dans Yabiladi le 20 - 12 - 2023

Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita voiced, Tuesday, Morocco's unwavering support for the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people and its consistent position in favor of the Palestinian National Authority as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinians.
At a joint press conference with Palestinian peer Riyad Al Maliki, following their talks on the eve of the 6th Russian-Arab Cooperation Forum in Marrakech, Bourita seized the opportunity to discuss the situation in Gaza and the broader developments in the Palestinian issue.
Morocco's Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates emphasized the Kingdom's steadfast and unconditional support for the establishment of a Palestinian state, endorsing all efforts by the Palestinian Authority to secure the rights of the Palestinian people.
In recalling Morocco's positions on the Gaza situation, Bourita pointedly highlighted the clear responsibility of the international community. He decried its failure to put an end to Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip, characterizing such inertia as both unacceptable and inexplicable.
Expressing Morocco's rejection of targeting Palestinian civilians, Bourita called for a sustained and controlled ceasefire, coupled with the seamless and ample delivery of humanitarian aid to the Palestinian populace.
The minister underscored that the prevailing political impasse could only breed crises, advocating for a shift «from the logic of crisis management to that of a final settlement of the Palestinian issue in accordance with international legality and the Arab Peace Initiative».
«Today, human consciousness and all mechanisms of international law, along with relevant international institutions, bear responsibility for this situation», he stressed, explaining that managing the crisis required a departure from conventional approaches.
In this respect, the Moroccan top diplomat further emphasized the imperative of a genuine pause to establish lasting peace that safeguards the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, as well as the security and safety of all nations, including Israel.
Turning to the ongoing provocations and unilateral actions in Al-Quds, particularly the recent land confiscation in the eastern part of the city, Bourita noted the King's deep concern regarding these actions. He decried such provocative measures, emphasizing the need for an immediate cessation of Israel's unilateral actions and a sincere political engagement with the Palestinian Authority.
He concluded that stability and peace in the region hinged on the establishment of a Palestinian state, coupled with bolstering the legitimacy of the Palestinian Authority through financial and political support – a pivotal solution to curbing the region's recurring crises.

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