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Algerian man claims Moroccan descent and end-of-times prophecy in Malaysia
Publié dans Yabiladi le 28 - 02 - 2024

An Algerian citizen claiming to be Moroccan and descended from the Prophet Mohamed, established a religious sect in preparation for the end of the world. The Malaysian government intervened and confirmed his Algerian nationality and lack of any connection to the lineage of the Prophet Muhammad.
An Algerian citizen named Mohamed Amin Ouradj, nicknamed «Mawla Amin», sparked controversy in Malaysia months ago by establishing a religious sect and claiming to be a Moroccan descendant of the Prophet Mohamed.
Following an increase in his supporters, security authorities in Malaysia havouce announced that they were reportedly monitoring him and his followers. Muhammad Naeem bin Mukhtar, Malaysian Minister for Religious Affairs in the Prime Minister's Office, commented that fanaticism and extremism in any form endanger individuals and society. He emphasized that his ministry is following media reports from February 20, 2024, concerning the «exploitation of the sacred lineage of the Prophet».
«The Prime Minister's Department (Religious Affairs), through the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (Jakim), will closely cooperate with Islamic religious authorities, especially state Islamic Religious Departments, and the police to investigate the revelations made in the media», he said in a statement published earlier in February.
Minister Mukhtar stressed that his ministry will not tolerate any party attempting to exploit religion for personal or collective gain. He advised everyone to always consult with state Islamic religious departments regarding preacher accreditation to ensure conveyed messages align with Islamic teachings.
He added that «all parties are requested to adhere to the balance of knowledge, facts, and refrain from religious fanaticism and extremism».
An Algerian claimimg to be Moroccan
The Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that Mohamed Amin Ouradj, 40, is not a Moroccan citizen, despite marrying a Moroccan woman in 2014. They also clarified that he has no affiliation to the noble Idrisi lineage.
Mohammad Fahmi Ngah, Chairman of the Islamic and Cultural Innovation Committee in Selangor State, urged Muslims not to be misled by individuals claiming to be descendants of the Prophet Mohamed. He warned against claims like those made by Mawla Mohamed Amin Al Hasani and advised consulting the state's Islamic Religious Department or the Mufti's office to verify information.
Ngah further emphasized that the Selangor government will not tolerate individuals raising doubts and spreading misinformation among Muslims. He stated cooperation with the police and the Immigration Department to prevent such individuals from entering the state.
State executive councillor Mohd Shahzihan also revealed that investigations showed a school in Selangor might have hosted the preacher during his visit last year.
The director of an Islamic school in Selangor is indeed facing charges for promoting «Mawla Amin», illegally collecting public funds, and attempting to establish a sect in preparation for the end of the world.

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