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Diaspo #336 : Hanna El Mokadem, French club player with Moroccan national team dreams
Publié dans Yabiladi le 28 - 04 - 2024

A club footballer in France since the age of 5, goalkeeper Hanna El Mokadem is already setting her sights high for her future in sports. For several months now, she has been representing Morocco, wearing the colors of the U16 women's national team.
Ever since she was a little girl, football had been a part of her daily life. Today, Hanna El Mokadem finds the perfect balance between sport and studies. A few months ago, the Oyonnax-born goalkeeper was called up to join Morocco's U16 women's national team, in preparation for the World Cup in her category in 2025.
«I've never hesitated to play for the national team. As soon as I was offered the chance to join it, I accepted without thinking too much about it. It was a no-brainer to me», the player, who plays for Jura Sud Foot at club level, told Yabiladi.
Born in 2008 to a working-class family from Al Hoceima, Hanna played eight seasons with Union Sportive Arbent-Marchon (USAM), initially as an outfield player. In 2020, she decided to wear the gloves, before joining the mixed U15 boys' team at Jura Sud Foot, then the senior women's team.
Since then, the young goal keeper has made her mark, taking part in more than half the R1F team's matches. She has already had her baptism of fire with the national team, in a friendly match against Tunisia (6-1).
«We encourage her in all the decisions she makes for herself; we accompany her to her training sessions in particular, as there is no club in her category in the town where we live. Sport is always important for the mind and body, with positive effects on all other aspects of life. So we support her in everything she does».
Jamal El Mokadem, father of Hanna
In addition to her family, Hanna has found unconditional support from her club in France, as well as the Royal Moroccan Football Federation (FRMF) in her home country. In her progress on the pitch, she is «continually supported by USAM directors François Sanches and his coaches, as well as Paul Grappe at Jura Sud and her current coach, Mathieu Morel». «We'd like to thank all those who have shown an interest in her, and we're very proud to see her called up to the Moroccan national team», adds proud dad Jamal El Mokadem.
«Proud to wear Morocco's colors»
Seeing the girl's precocious talent for world's most popular sport, it was indeed her father who enrolled Hanna in a club, when she was just five years old. Since then, football has become as much a part of her life as her studies. A regular attendee of matches in the stadiums, both as a fan and as a professional player, she remembers accompanying her brothers on the pitch for many years. Her childhood was also marked by the matches she always enjoyed watching on television.
«I wasn't influenced by any particular football star at the time, but I really enjoyed the game on the pitch and that inspired me to do the same», says Hanna El Mokadem. During the last Women's World Cup, and even before being called up by Morocco, the young goalkeeper supported the teams of both her countries, but particularly the Atlas Lionesses, whose game, competitive spirit and team spirit she appreciates.
«For me, it's a source of pride today to wear the same jersey as the players I saw take part in a World Cup for the first time», says Hanna El Mokadem, who is already looking forward to the next World Cup. In the meantime, she is concentrating mainly on her club championship, which is currently underway.

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