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SaSafit, an association that prevents young Moroccans from turning to criminality
Publié dans Yabiladi le 17 - 07 - 2017

Saliha Bochhah is a thirty-year-old young woman who goes to work every day in order to help women and most precisely those of Moroccan descent, thanks to her association named SaSafit, which enabled her to find hope where there were any.
A study released last week by the Dutch Institute revealed a shocking truth regarding young Moroccan girls in the European country and especially in Gouda, a city in the west of the Netherlands. The investigation brought a range of unexpected results that were reported by the Dutch newspaper
Saliha Bochhah
Four years ago, the situation in the city had gotten the inhabitants of the commune, including Saliha Bochhah, worried. In an interview conducted by the same media platform last weekend, she wondered «has everyone been sleeping for four years ?». Indeed, it is in 2013 that this brave woman tried to tackle the issue by founding SaSafit. The aim of this association is to fight against these phenomena which drown the region in drugs, by offering sports activities :
«SaSafit was created because there were very few things offered socially and economically to Moroccan-Dutch women. For them, boredom is great and not doing anything is the reason behind anti-social behavior. Four years later, we are still working hard on this issue».
SaSafit, a fruitful alternative for young girls
Saliha Bochhah, this Moroccan-Dutch woman who dedicated herself for other Moroccan women, has enabled several young girls in distress to find the right path thanks to her association which provides a set of physical activities and emotional support. In addition to volunteering, the foundation aids all girls through workshops, empowering migrant women and helping them integrate socially speaking, all for free.
At the origin of the project and the initiative, a group of passionate young women, Dutch women of Moroccan origin. They all come from and work in a variety of fields, including organizational consultants, professors, business executives and rehabilitation counselors. Their only motivation is to use their knowledge and skills for those women who are in need.
Saliha Bochhah is a project manager in the field of banking communication. Born in 1980, mother of two children and pregnant of her third child, this Imzouren native (North of Morocco) graduated from the University of Amsterdam. In fact, she obtained a Master's degree in Science and began her humanitarian and volunteer activities in 2011 by setting up humanitarian aid for people who are faced with difficulties. Her vow today through SaSafit is to fight the boredom she sees as one of the «main culprits» of these results: «Do not expect it to go well if you do nothing, the groups of the most vulnerable girls hang out in the streets. These are the girls who are between 10 and 15 years old».
Hence the importance of offering this generation something that it likes, «we try to offer them what they like and help them through their self-development. Thai Boxing is very popular, for example,» says Saliha Bochhah. And the president added : «SaSaFit is very sport-oriented. We are more known as a gym, but we are more than that. We want everyone to feel good because they are in a safe environment here».
Because the social role is also essential for the Moroccan community despite the lack of support from the authorities, «we would like to do much more but SaSaFit has limited means. Everything we do we do it ourselves. We have certainly helped many young women, but we want and can do even more for this group. For this we need help, from the church for example», she concludes.

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