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King Mohammed VI wants to create a migration observatory and a Special Envoy post for Africa
Publié dans Yabiladi le 30 - 01 - 2018

One year after joining the African Union, King Mohammed VI suggested in a letter read by Prime Minister, Saadeddine El Othmani, during the organization's 30th summit the creation of an African migration observatory and a post of an AU Special Envoy for migration.
King Mohammed VI has suggested, in the framework of the African Agenda on Migration, to set up an African Migration Observatory and to create a post of AU Special Envoy for Migration.
The mission of the African Migration Observatory, whose terms of reference would be the triad «understand, anticipate, act», would be to develop observation and the exchange of information between African countries in order to promote controlled management of migration flows, the sovereign explained in a message which was read out on Monday in Addis Ababa by Head of Government, Saad Eddine El Othmani.
«My country proposes that this Observatory be based in Morocco», the sovereign added.
As for the post of AU Special Envoy for Migration, the post holder would be tasked with coordinating AU policies in this area, the King said.
An observatory headquartered in Morocco
«The African Agenda on Migration proposes an approach based on national policies, sub-regional coordination, a continental vision and international partnership», the monarch underlined in the message, noting that «this presupposes a paradigm shift, an introspective and positive redefinition of migration as well as genuine political will on the part of States, which all have a vested interest in making sure migration is safe, legal and orderly, seeing to it that human rights are respected.»
In this regard, the monarch said that Morocco, which will be hosting the Intergovernmental Conference, that is to adopt the Global Compact, and the Global Forum for Migration and Development, in December 2018, pledges to make these multilateral meetings a platform for Africa.
Migration is a natural phenomenon which is part of the solution, not of the problem, King Mohammed VI stressed, noting that «we should adopt a positive stance on the issue of migration by highlighting the humanistic rationale of shared responsibility and solidarity.»
Migration, a global issue – one that is crucial for our continent, «deserves a fresh, Africa-centered approach combining realism, tolerance and a commitment to make reason prevail over fear,» the King said.

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