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Morocco signs visa exemption agreement with Maldives
Publié dans Yabiladi le 16 - 11 - 2019

The Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of Maldives concluded, on Friday in Rabat, four bilateral agreements on visa exemption, cooperation on religious matters, strengthening of political consultations and cooperation between institutes of diplomatic studies.
They are two agreements on visa exemption and cooperation on religious matters, as well as two memoranda of understanding on strengthening political consultations and on deepening cooperation between the Moroccan Academy of Diplomatic Studies (AMED) and the Institute of Foreign Affairs of the Maldivian Ministry, said Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans living abroad Nasser Bourita, during a press briefing after talks with Maldivian Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulla Shahid.
The visit of Shahid, the first of a Maldivian foreign minister to Morocco, coincides with the celebration of the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries, he added, stressing that it is an opportunity to reaffirm the spiritual, religious, cultural and human ties between the two countries, especially since Islam was introduced to the Maldives through a highly esteemed Moroccan scholar in this island state.
The talks focused on ways to develop bilateral cooperation through concrete projects, noted Bourita, saying that he agreed with his Maldivian counterpart on strengthening cooperation and sharing experiences in agriculture, fisheries and tourism.
Strengthening training was also on the agenda through the granting of scholarships for vocational and academic training as of next year, Bourita said, adding that they also decided to establish an honorary consulate of Morocco in the Maldives to develop economic cooperation and monitor projects to be concluded between the two countries.
The visit was also an opportunity to discuss regional and international issues and joint action at the multilateral level, especially since Morocco and the Maldives are coordinating their actions at the level of international fora, notably in the United Nations and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), he said, adding that the joint action will be strengthened in the fight against extremism and climate change.
For his part, Shahid said he was carrying a message from the Maldivian President, Ibrahim Mohamad Solih to King Mohammed VI, highlighting the special status of Morocco in the hearts of the Maldivian people with which the Kingdom shares ties of long-standing friendship and diplomatic relations.

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