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Salah's story with a lady in Scotland

On his first day during summer of 1973, when he went to Scotland for training, Salah had a very funny story with the steward family.
What's the story like ?
Well, when he finished working in the hotel, he went for a walk at 11 : 00 o'clock at night up a private road, two girls were on the way to their house. It was quiet a long distance from the hotel to the farm, where they lived. The two girls looked at him and ran. They thought, that he was a thief, or he wanted to hit them. " It 's terrible " he said to himself. " They have the wrong idea about me ". " They think that I am unemployed, and I just go up the road like a crazy boy. Oh my God " he said again. Half an hour later, when he went back to his room in the hotel's annexe, he saw a car, ( a Jaguar ) behind him. There was a woman in it. She stopped her car in front of him. Then she took a stick and got out the car, and said : " Hey you, you followed my daughter across the road. Be careful ".
Salah answered : "No it wasn't me" "Yes it was you. I know every one here quiet well. No one could do that except you. If you do so again, I'll show you !" The poor boy was afraid, he asked the lady to excuse him, but she didn't want to. After that she went back home. The boy also went to his room. He couldn't sleep that night. He was worried about the problem. He asked himself : "What can I do if the lady comes in the morning ?" Salah had to work at eight o'clock as usual. So he got up at six, and has a wash, then went very quickly to the hotel. Fortunately, the woman didn't come. But he was still afraid, all the day !
One month later, the Stewart family came to the hotel, " Buchana Arms " for dinner. They were served by an old waitress (ANN). Every time they looked at him, when he went across the dinning room, they laughed. But Salah forgot all about them. He couldn't remember the lady, because he just saw her at night. When he finished serving his customers, he went to clear up their table ... Then, the waitress Ann said to him :
" Do you remember this family ?
" No, he said. Who are they ?"
" Do you remember when you followed the two girls up the road ? "
" Which girls ? "
"This lady here remembers you. And this is her girl"
"Very nice" he said. Nice to know you ".
" Salah is your name, isn't it ? The lady said ".
"Yes, Madam. That's the name, who made a funny story with you. You wanted to hit me with your stick ? Didn't your Madam ?" He said to the woman.
" I'm very sorry Salah !" She said . "I was wrong. I thought you had a bad idea about Sootish women".
" No, don't worry, Madam. I forgot all that. But can't forgot your stick ! Which stands as a reminder of how violent weaned when we don't know someone .... But how kind we are when we know each other ..."
" You are right Salah ...... what we need is to know each ather ...."
" Knowing each other is the first step towards peace...." I said
" What do you do ? Do you work here ? " her husband asked me
" No, sir I am a trainee here. I am a student in the hotel school of Marrakech from Morocco "
" Would you mind coming the next weekend to visit us ? " he said
" Thank you very much, sir. I am really very proud to hear that " I said
" Ok, Mr. Salah. Meet you next Sunday in front of the hotel at 10 : 30 P.M, Ok "
" Ok, Sir "
On Sunday at 10 : 30 He came and took me in his car. I spent an unforgettable weekend with them. Then, from time to time he came and take me with him and they considered me as a member of their family. This travel was really very important to me. I have improved my skills and my knowledge and more than that I have known friends who became of the family.

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