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Eid al-Fitr celebrated Thursday in France, Belgium, Spain and Saudi Arabia
Publié dans Yabiladi le 12 - 05 - 2021

Marking the end of the month of Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr is already announced in some Gulf countries, where it will be celebrated on Thursday. In Morocco, the observation of the crescent which will announce the beginning of the month of Chaoual will be on Wednesday.
During these last days of the month of Ramadan, several countries observe the lunar crescent for Eid al-Fitr. In France, The Grande Mosquée de Paris announced in a press release that Thursday, May 13, would be the first day of Chaoual. This announcement was made at the end of a meeting of the religious commission of the establishment.
The definition of this date was made on the basis of «scientific calculations and astronomical data», the commission having noted «the impossibility of observing the new moon on the evening of this 29th day of the month of Ramadan». Due to measures against the spread of the pandemic of the new coronavirus, the Great Mosque has also announced that it would, exceptionally, organize two Eid prayers, «the first at 9 a.m. and the second at 9.45 am».
La Grande Mosquée de Paris annonce l'#AidAlFitr au JEUDI 13 MAI 2021 inch'Allah
— Grande Mosquée de Paris (@mosqueedeparis) May 11, 2021
For its part, the Muslim Executive of Belgium announced in a press release that the first day of the month of Chaoual 1442 is set for Thursday, May 13, 2021, after a meeting of the Council of Theologians on Tuesday. «As in 2020, the Eid will be celebrated differently and will not allow large family gatherings», said the institution, which reiterated certain preventive measures : «Two close contacts in addition to members of the household are allowed indoors. Ten outside contacts are authorized except between midnight and 5 am, when it will be a bubble of 3 people».
The body recalled the importance of «paying particular attention to the elderly, sick or frail» and of showing solidarity «with all the people who will celebrate the Eid without being able to be surrounded by their loved ones».
For its part, the Islamic Commission of Spain (CIE) indicated at the end of today that Thursday, May 13, would be the first day of the month of Chaoual.
Announcements in Gulf countries and Asia
In Saudi Arabia, the announcement was made on Tuesday through the Saudi Press Agency, which relayed the opinion of the Supreme Court indicating that tomorrow, Wednesday, May 12, would be the last day of Ramadan 2021. This is also the case in Qatar, where the Waqf ministry indicated on its social media accounts that «Wednesday will be the last day of the month of Ramadan 1442».
In the United Arab Emirates, Eid al-Fitr will also be celebrated on Thursday, May 13, according to the UAE News Agency. Observation of the lunar crescent in Kuwait confirmed the end of the holy month on the same date, with May 12 marking the last day of Ramadan. In Japan, the Lunar Observation Committee also announced the fast breaking holiday on the same date.
Indonesia also declared May 13 as the first day of the month of Chaoual, following a lunar observation on Tuesday, which failed to identify the crescent marking the end of the month of Ramadan. In Malaysia, the same date was chosen for Eid al-Fitr, as well as in Australia, New Zealand and Turkey.
In Algeria, Eid al-Fitr is on Thursday, the moonsighting committee from the Algerian Ministry of Religious Affairs announced on Tuesday.
In Senegal, the moonsighting committee observed the crescent moon, announcing that Eid al-Fitr will Wednesday, May 12. The same applies for Mali, Niger and Côte d'Ivoire.
السنغال تعلن رسميا: الأربعاء 12مايو يوم عيد الفطر السعيد. #عاجل
— مركز الفلك الدولي (@AstronomyCenter) May 11, 2021
In Morocco, the Ministry of Habous and Islamic Affairs has announced that the observation of the crescent of the month of Chaoual will take place tomorrow, Wednesday May 12, 2021, which corresponds to Ramadan 29, 1442 AH.

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