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World University Ranking. Les marocaines encore une fois aux abonnés absents
Publié dans Challenge le 13 - 10 - 2022

Un regard sur le top 200 des meilleures universités dans le monde fait ressortir la forte présence des établissements britanniques et américains. Pour les arabes, une seule représentante pointe à la 101è ème place. Indétrônable, une université historique britannique n'est pas prête de céder sa place de leader.
Pour la septième année consécutive, l'Université britannique d'Oxford trône au top du cassement mondial, devant l'américaine Harvard, deuxième. Au total, 1 799 universités de 104 pays ou régions sont représentées dans le classement et 27 d'entre elles ont au moins une université dans le top 200. D'autres au nombre de 526, qui ont fourni des données mais ne répondaient pas aux critères d'éligibilité pour recevoir un classement sont répertoriées avec le statut de « rapporteur ».
Lire aussi | Classement de Shanghai. Les universités américaines caracolent en tête
Les Etats-Unis et le Royaume-Uni représentés en force, tant en termes de classement général que de positions les plus élevées. Le Japon et la Chine sont parmi les pays les mieux représentés dans le classement. Pour les françaises, cinq universités figurent dans ce top 200. Il s'agit de Paris Sciences et Lettres – PSL Research University Paris (47è), Sorbonne University (90è), Université Paris-Saclay (93è), Institut Polytechnique de Paris (95è) et Paris Cité (114è). Les résultats sont calculés à l'aide de 13 indicateurs de performance sous-jacents à cinq mesures : la recherche, l'enseignement, l'influence de la recherche, les revenus de l'industrie et les perspectives internationales.
Lire aussi | Région MENA. 7 universités marocaines dans le classement 2021 des meilleures institutions
La seule université qui représente le monde arabe est la saoudienne King Abdulaziz University, qui pointe à la 190 position. Les marocaines demeurent aux abonnés absents.
Oxford, la meilleure au monde
L'une des universités les plus prestigieuses du Royaume-Uni, Oxford s'est imposée pour la septième année consécutive. C'est la plus ancienne université du Royaume-Uni et l'une des plus connues au monde. Elle compte plus de 20 000 étudiants, avec un nombre à peu près égal d'étudiants de premier cycle et de troisième cycle. L'admission est extrêmement compétitive; en moyenne, l'université reçoit cinq candidatures pour chaque place. L'université emploie du personnel d'un peu moins de 100 pays et les citoyens étrangers représentent environ 40% du corps étudiant et universitaire.
Top 200 universities in the world 2023
World University Rank 2023 World University Rank 2022 University Country/region
1 1 University of Oxford United Kingdom
2 =2 Harvard University United States
=3 =5 University of Cambridge United Kingdom
=3 4 Stanford University United States
5 =5 Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States
6 =2 California Institute of Technology United States
7 7 Princeton University United States
8 8 University of California, Berkeley United States
9 9 Yale University United States
10 12 Imperial College London United Kingdom
=11 11 Columbia University United States
=11 15 ETH Zurich Switzerland
13 10 The University of Chicago United States
14 =13 University of Pennsylvania United States
15 =13 Johns Hopkins University United States
16 =16 Tsinghua University China
17 =16 Peking University China
18 =18 University of Toronto Canada
19 21 National University of Singapore Singapore
20 22 Cornell University United States
21 20 University of California, Los Angeles United States
22 =18 UCL United Kingdom
23 =24 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor United States
24 26 New York University United States
25 23 Duke University United States
=26 =24 Northwestern University United States
=26 29 University of Washington United States
28 28 Carnegie Mellon University United States
29 =30 University of Edinburgh United Kingdom
30 38 Technical University of Munich Germany
31 =30 University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
32 34 University of California, San Diego United States
33 32 LMU Munich Germany
34 33 University of Melbourne Australia
35 =35 King's College London United Kingdom
36 46 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Singapore
37 27 London School of Economics and Political Science United Kingdom
38 45 Georgia Institute of Technology United States
39 =35 The University of Tokyo Japan
40 37 University of British Columbia Canada
41 =40 Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Switzerland
42 =42 KU Leuven Belgium
43 =42 Heidelberg University Germany
44 57 Monash University Australia
45 49 Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
46 44 McGill University Canada
47 =40 Paris Sciences et Lettres – PSL Research University Paris France
48 48 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign United States
49 39 Karolinska Institute Sweden
50 47 University of Texas at Austin United States
51 60 Fudan University China
52 84 Shanghai Jiao Tong University China
53 =54 The University of Queensland Australia
=54 50 University of Manchester United Kingdom
=54 =58 University of Sydney Australia
56 =54 Seoul National University South Korea
57 51 Washington University in St Louis United States
58 66 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong
59 53 Wageningen University & Research Netherlands
60 65 University of Amsterdam Netherlands
61 64 Brown University United States
62 =54 Australian National University Australia
63 67 University of California, Davis United States
64 68 University of California, Santa Barbara United States
65 63 University of Southern California United States
66 69 Utrecht University Netherlands
67 =75 Zhejiang University China
68 61 Kyoto University Japan
69 52 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill United States
70 =75 Delft University of Technology Netherlands
=71 62 Boston University United States
=71 70 UNSW Sydney Australia
73 73 Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin Germany
74 =88 University of Science and Technology of China China
75 =80 University of Groningen Netherlands
76 92 University of Bristol United Kingdom
77 71 Leiden University Netherlands
78 =151 Yonsei University (Seoul campus) South Korea
79 91 Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong
80 72 Erasmus University Rotterdam Netherlands
81 =58 University of Wisconsin-Madison United States
=82 82 Emory University United States
=82 =86 University of Glasgow United Kingdom
=82 =75 University of Zurich Switzerland
85 =80 McMaster University Canada
=86 74 Humboldt University of Berlin Germany
=86 =78 University of Tübingen Germany
88 111 University of Adelaide Australia
89 112 University of Bonn Germany
90 =88 Sorbonne University France
=91 83 Free University of Berlin Germany
=91 =99 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) South Korea
93 =117 Université Paris-Saclay France
94 =101 University of Bern Switzerland
=95 98 University of California, Irvine United States
=95 91 Institut Polytechnique de Paris France
=95 =105 Nanjing University China
98 =113 Vanderbilt University United States
=99 =151 City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
=99 =108 RWTH Aachen University Germany
=101 103 University of Basel Switzerland
=101 =190 King Abdulaziz University Saudi Arabia
=101 =86 University of Minnesota United States
=104 =93 University of Maryland, College Park United States
=104 =78 University of Warwick United Kingdom
106 =93 Michigan State University United States
107 =96 Ghent University Belgium
=108 =105 University of Birmingham United Kingdom
=108 124 University of Southampton United Kingdom
110 =101 University of Helsinki Finland
111 =88 University of Montreal Canada
112 85 Ohio State University (Main campus) United States
113 =108 University of Freiburg Germany
=114 =96 University of Copenhagen Denmark
=114 155 Université Paris Cité France
=114 110 University of Sheffield United Kingdom
117 104 Aarhus University Denmark
118 125 University of Alberta Canada
=119 =119 University of Göttingen Germany
=119 116 Lund University Sweden
121 115 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Netherlands
122 =122 Lancaster University United Kingdom
123 =99 Dartmouth College United States
=124 =117 Queen Mary University of London United Kingdom
=124 =137 University of Vienna Austria
126 =119 University of Oslo Norway
127 =105 Purdue University West Lafayette United States
=128 =132 University of Hamburg Germany
=128 =127 University of Leeds United Kingdom
130 141 University of Nottingham United Kingdom
=131 =143 University of Antwerp Belgium
=131 =132 The University of Western Australia Australia
133 =143 University of Technology Sydney Australia
134 126 Case Western Reserve University United States
135 =176 University of Lausanne Switzerland
136 130 Georgetown University United States
=137 =143 University of Exeter United Kingdom
=137 =162 University of Ottawa Canada
=139 =137 University of Auckland New Zealand
=139 =146 Newcastle University United Kingdom
=139 139 Radboud University Nijmegen Netherlands
=139 165 University of Würzburg Germany
=139 169 University of York United Kingdom
144 140 University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh campus United States
145 =127 Maastricht University Netherlands
146 =172 University of Cologne Germany
147 136 Rice University United States
=148 =158 University of Colorado Boulder United States
=148 =146 Ulm University Germany
=148 131 Uppsala University Sweden
=151 154 University of Florida United States
=151 =119 Penn State (Main campus) United States
=151 =172 Tufts University United States
154 142 University of Rochester United States
155 201–250 KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden
=156 =132 Arizona State University (Tempe) United States
=156 139 Technical University of Berlin Germany
=156 =172 TU Dresden Germany
=156 =127 University of Virginia (Main campus) United States
160 =183 University of Cape Town South Africa
=161 =172 University of Bologna Italy
=161 =146 Trinity College Dublin Ireland
=163 =185 University of Leicester United Kingdom
=163 =158 Lomonosov Moscow State University Russian Federation
=163 =185 Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) South Korea
=166 =162 Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) China
=166 =185 Technical University of Denmark Denmark
=168 196 Medical University of Graz Austria
=168 168 Northeastern University United States
=170 167 Indiana University United States
=170 =158 Université Catholique de Louvain Belgium
=170 =122 Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) South Korea
173 157 Wuhan University China
174 =178 Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) South Korea
175 192 Macquarie University Australia
=176 181 Huazhong University of Science and Technology China
=176 =178 University of Liverpool United Kingdom
=176 =176 Stockholm University Sweden
179 =146 University of Mannheim Germany
180 150 University of Arizona United States
181 =193 Texas A&M University United States
182 =193 University of Barcelona Spain
=183 =170 Autonomous University of Barcelona Spain
=183 =197 Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa Italy
185 201–250 University of Münster Germany
186 156 Pompeu Fabra University Spain
=187 189 Cardiff University United Kingdom
=187 =113 National Taiwan University (NTU) Taiwan
=189 201–250 Friedrich Schiller University Jena Germany
=189 180 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Germany
191 201–250 University of Massachusetts United States
=192 =158 University of Aberdeen United Kingdom
=192 201–250 University of California, Santa Cruz United States
=194 201–250 Medical University of Vienna Austria
=194 201–250 University of Miami United States
=196 =197 University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Germany
=196 401–500 Sichuan University China
=198 =162 Durham University United Kingdom
=198 201–250 Queen's University Belfast United Kingdom
=198 201–250 University of Reading United Kingdom

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