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Moroccan parties condemn the assassination of senior Hamas leader
Publié dans Yabiladi le 04 - 01 - 2024

Two political parties, PJD and PPS, as well as Moroccan associations presented their condolences to the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, following the assassination of the deputy head of its political bureau, Saleh Al-Arouri, during a raid carried out on Tuesday by an Israeli drone in the southern suburbs of the Lebanese capital, Beirut.
The Secretary general of the Justice and Development Party Abdelilah Benkirane has sent his condolences to the chairman of Hamas's political bureau Ismail Haniyeh, following the assassination of senior Hamas leader Saleh Al-Arouri. «These cowardly operations are proof that the Zionist entity is defeated», Benkirane argued.
Benkirane said he was convinced that this assassination will strengthen «the determination of the Palestinian people to unite» in order to guarantee «the liberation of the land and achieve the creation of an independent Palestinian state with its capital, Al- Quds Al-Sharif».
For its part, the political bureau of the Party of Progress and Socialism (PPS) denounced «the Zionist attack against Beirut and the assassination of Palestinian leaders and Lebanese civilians», and described the operation as «a new heinous crime» committed by Israel.
Nabil Benabdellah's party condemned «in the strongest terms the state terrorism practiced by the Zionist entity through this criminal operation» which constitutes «a blatant aggression and a dangerous escalation which risks plunging the entire region into an open and global war with disastrous consequences, and Israel alone bears full responsibility for its consequences», wrote PPS in its press release.
Al Adl wal Ihsane and MUR on the same wavelength
For the record, last November, the PPS compared the Israeli war on Gaza to the atrocities committed by the Nazi regime in Germany. The left-wing party then affirmed, in a press release, that «in this context it is not appropriate to move forward in establishing relations with an entity which commits war crimes and carries out genocide against a people, violating international law and international humanitarian law».
The assassination of Saleh Al-Arouri has, moreover, brought together the often divergent positions of Al Adl wal Ihsane (AWI) and the Unity and Reform Movement (MUR). AWI denounced a «treacherous and cowardly attack launched by the Zionist entity on the city of Beirut in Lebanon».
Indeed, since October 7, AWI followers have been the main organizers of marches and sit-ins, organized almost daily in several Moroccan cities, under the banner of the Moroccan Front in Support of Palestine and against normalization, to condemn Israeli aggression.
For his part, the leader of MUR, Aouss Rammal, phoned his Hamas counterpart, Ismail Haniyeh, to offer «his condolences». Rammal also reaffirmed MUR's support «for the Palestinian resistance» and denounced «barbaric Zionist aggression and American and European support» for Israel.

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