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Asni : Civil society tribute to Eve Branson approved by City Council
Publié dans Yabiladi le 12 - 05 - 2021

After having been voted unanimously by the municipal council of Asni, the proposal to give the name of the British philanthropist to a road section linking Asni to the Kasbah Tamadot, awaits the approval of the Ministry of Equipment.
The Asni municipal council approved, last week, the tribute that some twenty local associations wish to pay to Eve Branson, who died of Covid-19 in January, for her commitment and services rendered to the region.
Thus, the proposal tabled on March 15, by the 25 local associations which asked to give the name of the British philanthropist to a road section connecting Asni to the Kasbah Tamadot, was unanimously approved by the board members.
«The elected officials voted unanimously for this road to bear the name of Eve Branson. But the procedure will take its course and the council will wait for the go-ahead of the Ministries of Interior and Equipment», declared Abderrazzak Zoubair, Project Manager of the Eve Branson Foundation this Tuesday.
The latter was able to take part in this session, after being convened by the Municipal Council. In this sense, «if the Ministry of Equipment gives the green light to the municipal council, the latter will revert back to us to ask us how we want this path and if we intend to support this project», specifies the person in charge. «The ball is in the court of the Ministry of Equipment».
Abderrazzak Zoubair also affirms that Eve Branson's family «very much appreciated» the proposal of the 25 local NGOs and «looks forward to seeing this project come true». «Richard Branson is also committed to the region to continue the projects already launched and support civil society», concludes the Project Manager of the Eve Branson Foundation.
Paying homage to Eve Branson
For his part, Houssein Bahja, president of the Tamgounsi association in Asni, at the origin of the initiative, does not hide his joy and impatience. «The council seized the Ministry of Equipment to know if this avenue will relate to one or two lanes and what they intend to do for the lighting, the sidewalk,…. It is generally for the aspect of the project», he explains.
«It is excellent news that the project has been voted and that we are already thinking about its development.Because an avenue bearing the name of Eve Branson must obviously be up to the task».
Houssein Bahja
Last January, the United Kingdom and Morocco lost British philanthropist and mother of Richard Branson, founder of Virgin, Evette Branson, who died of Covid-19 at the age of 96. An activist for the rights of children and women, she had dedicated her life to this cause, working in the Asni region, south of Marrakech, in particular through her foundation created in 2005 and which works in several projects in high added value for the local population.
In 2015, in London, its founder was decorated with the insignia of the Alawite Wissam of the Order of Officer, awarded by King Mohammed VI in recognition of her humanitarian actions carried out in Morocco.

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